Dinos in Catalunya - Spain
Where to find Dinos in Catalunya?
Coll de Nargo' (Alt Urgell): now part of the Pyrenees, when the dinosaurs where alive, this was
warm, coastal marshland, an ideal place for them to lay their eggs.
Visit the mirador del Cretaci (observation point) and exhibition to see examples of dino eggs
and learn about their reproduction process.
Ruta Minerva (Bergueda'): the Fumanya excavation area, near the towns of Figols and
Vallecebre, is known for its large number, more than 3000, of fossilised dinosaur footprints.
El Montsec (La Nouguera): at Montsec de Rubies excavation spot numerous examples of fish,
crocodiles, birds and plants from 100 million years ago have been found.
Coll de Nargo' (Alt Urgell): now part of the Pyrenees, when the dinosaurs where alive, this was
warm, coastal marshland, an ideal place for them to lay their eggs.
Visit the mirador del Cretaci (observation point) and exhibition to see examples of dino eggs
and learn about their reproduction process.
Ruta Minerva (Bergueda'): the Fumanya excavation area, near the towns of Figols and
Vallecebre, is known for its large number, more than 3000, of fossilised dinosaur footprints.
El Montsec (La Nouguera): at Montsec de Rubies excavation spot numerous examples of fish,
crocodiles, birds and plants from 100 million years ago have been found.