
Showing posts from April 23, 2008


Things you should check before a trip

"Things you should check before a trip What you should check before you leave for travel: 1. See that you have your passports and valid visas 2. Flight tickets 3 Hotel vouchers, if you booked any 4. Credit cards and money 5. Your travel insurance documents 6. frequent traveller card 7. driving license Always keep a pen handy Check allowed bag luggage Check that no prohibited items are in hand luggage. ----- CentreTravel " "Affarijiet għandek tiċċekkja qabel vjaġġ Liema għandek tivverifika qabel ma titlaq għall-ivvjaġġar: 1. Ara li għandek passaporti tiegħek u viżi validi 2. biljetti tat-Titjira 3 vawċers Hotel, jekk inti rreġistrat xi 4. Karti ta 'kreditu u l-flus 5. Dokumenti Your assigurazzjoni ta 'vjaġġar 6. karta vjaġġatur frekwenti liċenzja 7. tas-sewqan Dejjem żomm pinna handy Iċċekkja permessi borża bagalji Iċċekkja li l-ebda oġġetti pprojbiti huma hand luggage. ----- Cen...

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