
Showing posts from March 12, 2008


The flying fish

"The flying fish The flying fish has developed winglike pectoral fins that enable it to glide through the air. To emerge from the sea it holds to its fins close to its body, takes off from the crest of a wave then spreads its fins to climb and glide ----- CentreTravel " "Il-ħut li jtajru Il-ħut li jtajru żviluppat xewk pettorali winglike li jippermettulu li glide permezz-arja. Joħorġu mill-baħar hija żżomm lill xewk tagħha qrib korp tagħha, jieħu off mill-crest ta 'mewġa imbagħad tinfirex xewk tagħha li jitilgħu u glide ----- CentreTravel " "Der fliegende Fische Der fliegende Fisch hat winglike Brustflossen entwickelt, die es ermöglichen, durch die Luft zu gleiten. Entstehen aus dem Meer es seine Flossen nahe seinem Körper hält, nimmt vom Scheitel weg von einer Welle breitet sich dann seine Flossen zu klettern und gleiten ----- CentreTravel ...

How to live a healthy life

"How to live a healthy life A healthy and varied diet, made up of three meals a day, can help to maintain a healthy body weight. A healthy balanced diet contains lots of fruit and vegetables and is based on wholegrain bread, pasta and rice - it should be low in fat, salt and sugar. The way the meal is cooked is also important. The best methods to use are varied. You can grill, bake, microwave, stir-fry, BBQ, steam. Avoid frying or adding extra oil, fat salt or sugar. ----- CentreTravel " "Kif jgħixu ħajja b'saħħitha A dieta sana u varjata, magħmul minn tliet ikliet kuljum, jistgħu jgħinu biex tinżamm piż tal-ġisem b'saħħtu. A dieta bilanċjata b'saħħithom fiha lottijiet ta 'frott u ħxejjex u hija bbażata fuq il-ħobż wholegrain, għaġin u ross - għandu jkun ftit xaħam, melħ u zokkor. Il-mod kif l-ikla imsajjar huwa importanti wkoll. L-aħjar metodi għall-użu huma varjati. Tista 'gradilja, bake, microwave, ħawwad-f...

Maltese recipe - Rikotta Pie

"Maltese recipe - Rikotta Pie This is an ideal recipe for vegetarians. It can be served warm or cold. It is full meal and good for work or picnics. Ingredients : 250 gm rikotta ( to make an 18 cm pie) 2 eggs some salt and pepper You can also add some fresh or frozen peas. Method : Mix the rikotta with the beaten eggs. add salt, pepper and the peas . Line a pie dish with pastry, I find yoghurt pastry the best. Pour the rikotta mixture over the pastry. Then cover the pie with pastry. Bake in a moderate oven till golden brown. Oven - 425 F. Gas mark 6. ----- CentreTravel " "Malti riċetta - Rikotta Pie Dan huwa riċetta ideali għal vegetarians. Hija jistgħu jiġu notifikati sħun jew kiesaħ. Huwa ikla sħiħa u tajba għax-xogħol jew picnics. Ingredjenti: 250 rikotta gm (li jagħmel 18 ċm pie) 2 bajd xi melħ u bżar Tista 'wkoll żżid xi piżelli friski jew iffriżati. Metodu: Ħallat il-rikotta mal-bajd imsawta. żid melħ, bż...

Today's menu

Today's menu is short and sweet. This is because it is a healthy meal . It is short because Spaghetti alla carbonara does not take a long time to prepare even though it is home-made. It is sweet because we served Fruit Trifle.

Fruit Trifle

Serves 4. Ingredients - 200 gm pears 200 gr apples 100 ml water 2 tbs chocolate pudding powder 1 tbs sugar 250 ml milk First prepare the fruit : 1. Peel and chop the pears and the apples. 2. Place in a saucepan with the water and cook over moderate heat for a few minutes till the fruit is soft. Let cool. Now it is time to prepare the chocolate pudding : 1. Heat the milk. Reserve 3 tbs milk in a small bowl. Add the pudding powder and sugar. 2. When the milk boils pour onto pudding powder stirring well. 3. Return to pan and stir till it boils. When ready, divide fruit into 4 dessert bowls and pour chocolate pudding over...

Home-made Carbonara Sauce

For four to five. 225 gm(8oz) pancetta or bacon cut in a single slice 12mm (1/2 inch) thick. 2 tbs olive oil 15 gm butter 4 cloves garlic, peeled and lightly crushed 4 tbs dry white wine Method : 1. Cut the pancetta or bacon into strips a little less than 6mm (1/4 inch) wide 2. Put the oil, butter, and crushed garlic into a saucepan or small saute' pan, and turn on the heat to medium high. When the garlic turns a deep gold, remove and discard it. 3. Put the pancetta or bacon into the pan, and saute' until it begins to be crisp at the edges. 4. Add the wine and let it boil away for a minute or two; then turn off the heat.

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