
Showing posts from June 12, 2008


Broccoli and chicken bake

"Broccoli and chicken bake 350g broccoli spears, trimmed 4 tbsp water salt 225g cooked chicken, cut into thin strips. Bechamel sauce: 1 small onion, peeled and halved 1 carrot, sliced 1 bay leaf 12 peppercorns few sprigs parsley 300ml milk 25g butter 25g plain flour ground pepper. Place broccoli spears in a shallow dish with water and salt. Cover and cook for 6 mins. Drain, then add chicken chicken and mix well. Place onion, carrot, bay leaf. peppercorns, parsley and milk. Cook for 10 mins until hot , strain. In another jug, place butter, stir in flour,salt and pepper. Gradually add strained milk, until smooth and thickened. Cover and cook for 3 to 4 mins. . ----- CentreTravel " "Brokkoli u tiġieġ bake lanez brokkoli 350g, mirqum ilma 4 tbsp melħ 225g imsajjar tiġieġ, maqtugħin fi strippi irqaq. zalza bechamel: 1 basla żgħar, imqaxxar u bin-nofs 1 zunnarija, imfellel we...

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