Shredded Potato Pancake
"Shredded Potato Pancake Pancakes : 500g potatoes, grated coarsly. 1 large onion, very finely chopped 2 eggs, beaten 2 tsp cornflour 1/4 cup oil Method: Place potatoes, onion, eggs ,cornflour in a bowl. Stir very well, making certain that the cornflour is mixed thoroughly. Heat oil and using 2 tbs drop 1 rounded mixture onto the pan. Repeat process. Serve with a sauce as a snack or rice and pickled cabbage as part of a meal. ----- CentreTravel " "Mqatta Pancake patata Pancakes: patata 500g, maħkuk coarsly. 1 basla kbira, b'mod fin ħafna mqatta 2 bajd, imsawta cornflour 2 Tsp żejt 1/4 tazza Metodu: patata Post, basal, bajd, cornflour fi skutella. Ħawwad tajjeb ħafna, jagħmlu ċert li l-cornflour hija mħallta sewwa. Saħħan iż-żejt u l-użu 2 TBS qatra 1 taħlita tond fuq il-pan. Irrepeti l-proċess. Iservu ma zalza bħala snack jew ross u kaboċċi imnaddfin bħala parti minn ikla. ----- CentreTrav...