
Showing posts from November 26, 2017


Dingovelos - Arcachon, France

Dingavelos Location de VTT/VTC Location de Rosalies Evenementiel - Groupe 1, rue Grenier Front de Mer, 33120 Arcachon Tel:  05 56 83 44 09 Email: Web:

Tour Pey - Berland - Bordeaux, France

Separate from the Cathedral, this bell tower from 15th century was built to provide Saint-Andre' with large bells without destabilising the foundations. A fine example of the Flamboyant Gothic Style , the tower features two terraces overlooking Bordeaux, affording a breathtaking view. Since the 19th century, the Statue of Notre - Dame d' Aquitaine has stood at its tallest point. Your visit:  Gift and book shop. Visitors guide in 9 languages. A 233- step spiral staircase, access limited to 19 people at once.  Viewfinder panel on the first terrace. Tour Pey-Berland Place Pey - Berland 33000 Bordeaux Tel:   +33 (0) 5 56 81 26 25 Web:   www.monuments -

Metropolitain Night-Club - Arcachon, France

Metropolitan Night Club 4-6 boulevard Mestrezat 33120 Arcachon Tel:   0983380348

Les Huitres Laban - Cap Ferret, France

Producteur Expediteur Port De Meyran Digue Ouest a' Gujan Mestras Pour vos commandes et renseignements Karene Winter a' votre service ou Tel:   05 56 66 05 81 Ou deguster les Huitres Laban   <Oyster> sous le marche' couvert d' Arcachon  Tel:   05 56 83 29 42 Partager une sortie a' la Maree avec l'Equipage Tel:   05 56 66 95 81 Web:

Hotel Le Dauphin - Arcachon, France

Hotel Le Dauphin * * * 7 Avenue Gounod Arcachon 33120 France Tel:  +335 56830289

Restaurant Le Terminus - Bordeaux, France

Cafe'  Brasserie - Restaurant Restaurant Le Terminus 28 / 29 Rue Charles Domec 33800 Bordeaux Tel:   05 56 91 31 98

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