
Showing posts from March 2, 2008


Fresh Carrot Soup

"Fresh Carrot Soup Carrot Soup This delicious carrot soup can be served with toasted bread or croutons. It is a very healthy and only 80 calories per portion. The ingredients are as follows: 50 gm onions piece of celery 100 gm potatoes peeled and cut in four 200 gm carrots scraped and cut in pieces 100 ml chicken or vegetable stock 400 ml water Method: Put all ingredients in a pot until cooked. Then pour into a food processor and mix till smooth. Put back in pot to cook for a few minutes more. And serve. . ----- CentreTravel " "Frisk Zfunnarija Soppa Zfunnarija soppa Dan soppa zunnarija Delicious jistgħu jiġu notifikati bil-ħobż mixwi jew croutons. Huwa b'saħħtu ħafna u biss 80 kaloriji għal kull porzjon. L-ingredjenti huma kif ġej: 50 basal gm biċċa tal-karfus 100 patata gm imqaxxar u maqtugħa f'erba 200 karrotti gm mibruxa u maqtugħin f'biċċiet tiġieġ jew veġetali 100ml stokk 400 ml ta 'ilma...

Yoghurt Pastry

"Yoghurt Pastry There are many kinds of pastry, but I find this pastry wonderful. It has many advantages as it has no fat. As you know 100ml of plain yoghurt has only 42 calories. And it is very simple to make. You need these ingredients: .200 gm self-raising flour .150 ml light plain yoghurt Method: Put the flour in a bowl, make a hollow in the centre and just add yoghurt all at one go. Just mix with a fork. Leave to stand in fridge for at least half an hour. You can use it for savoury or sweet pies. As you see, all this pastry has 755 calories. Oven temperature: 180 C, 350 F or Gas Mark 4 ----- CentreTravel " "jogurt Għaġina Hemm ħafna tipi ta 'għaġina, imma nsib dan għaġina isbaħ. Hija għandha ħafna vantaġġi bħala m'għandha l-ebda xaħam. Kif tafu 100ml tal-jogurt naturali għandu biss 42 kaloriji. U huwa sempliċi ħafna li jagħmlu. Ikollok bżonn dawn l-ingredjenti: 0.200 gm awto kuxjenza dqiq 0.150 ml ...

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