Fresh Carrot Soup
"Fresh Carrot Soup Carrot Soup This delicious carrot soup can be served with toasted bread or croutons. It is a very healthy and only 80 calories per portion. The ingredients are as follows: 50 gm onions piece of celery 100 gm potatoes peeled and cut in four 200 gm carrots scraped and cut in pieces 100 ml chicken or vegetable stock 400 ml water Method: Put all ingredients in a pot until cooked. Then pour into a food processor and mix till smooth. Put back in pot to cook for a few minutes more. And serve. . ----- CentreTravel " "Frisk Zfunnarija Soppa Zfunnarija soppa Dan soppa zunnarija Delicious jistgħu jiġu notifikati bil-ħobż mixwi jew croutons. Huwa b'saħħtu ħafna u biss 80 kaloriji għal kull porzjon. L-ingredjenti huma kif ġej: 50 basal gm biċċa tal-karfus 100 patata gm imqaxxar u maqtugħa f'erba 200 karrotti gm mibruxa u maqtugħin f'biċċiet tiġieġ jew veġetali 100ml stokk 400 ml ta 'ilma...