Quiet location, 10 km from delemont and Moutier, charming inn with comfortable rooms. Speciatities charbonnade, raclette prepared on a woodfire and ham on bone. Auberge de la Gabiare 566m I m u M Rte Principale 21 Vermes Tel: +41 (0)32 438 87 77 Email: info@gabiare.ch Web; www.gabiare.ch
Welcome to our pleasant hotel and enjoy our creative cooking. Children's playground. Hotel-Restaurant Le Lion d'Or 440 m I m u M Rte de Bonfol 58a Vendlincourt Tel: +41 (0)32 474 47 02 Fax: +41 (0)32 474 47 03 Email: leliondorvendlincourt@bluewin.ch
12 comfortable double rooms with shower /wc. TV mini bar. Comfort and tranquility in a rustic setting. Hotel-Restaurant du Boeuf 438 m I m u M Rue du 23 Juin 60 St--Ursanne Tel: +41 (0)32 461 31 49 fax: +41 (0)32 461 38 92 Email: hotel.boeuf@bluewin.ch Web: www.hotelduboeuf.ch
Located in the Lowenbrau-Areal, international contemporary art is shown. A close dialogue with the artists forms the basis for overview exhibitions of their work. Kunsthalle Zurich Limmatstrasse 270 Linien 4/13 Dammweg Tel: 044 272 15 15 Web: www.kunsthallezurich.ch