Cheese Cake Recipe - Dessert
"Cheese Cake Recipe - Dessert 6 ounces digestive biscuits crumbs 4 ounces butter, melted 10 ounces sugar or substiute 3 eggs, seperated grated rind and juice of 1 lemon 1/2 tsp nutmeg 1/4 pint double cream, whipped stiff 1 tsp vanilla 2 ounces plain flour, sifted twice 1 pound ricotta cheese Combine crumbs with butter and 3 tablespoons of the sugar. Press half of the mixture in bottom and around the sides of a well-greased, deep, round spring-form tin. Beat egg yolks until light. Gradually add remaining sugar, beating thoroughly. Add grated rind and juice of lemon, nutmeg vanilla, whipped cream and flour. Mix thoroughly with the cheese and rub through a sieve to ensure absolute smoothness. Fold in the stiffly beaten egg whites. Pour carefully into the crumb case. Bake in a very slow oven ( 275F Mark 1) until firm, about 1 hour. Let stand in oven 1 hour or until cooled. Remove rim of spring-form and place on serving plate. ----- CentreTravel https://centret...