The Life stages of the Green Turtle
"The Life stages of the Green Turtle The Green Turtle ranges through tropical seas but the number of major breeding sites is small. In the Atlantic Ascension Island is used by turtles that feed on eelgrass and algae in warm shallow coastal waters off South America. By unknown means the turtles navigate 2,200km to Ascension in December. Courtship and mating take place just off shore. Females may mate several times but sperm can be stored for long periods and several clutches can be fertilized from one mating. The female leaves the water at night. She lays hundreds of eggs in a season in sandy pits. When the eggs are covered and camouflaged she returns to the sea and after the breeding season returns to Brazil. After incubating for up to 10 weeks, eggs hatch almost simultaneously. The baby turtles emerge together at night and scramble towards the sea guided by the lighter sky over it. They head for open water and an unknown destination. ----- Centre...