
Showing posts from May 13, 2008


The Life stages of the Green Turtle

"The Life stages of the Green Turtle The Green Turtle ranges through tropical seas but the number of major breeding sites is small. In the Atlantic Ascension Island is used by turtles that feed on eelgrass and algae in warm shallow coastal waters off South America. By unknown means the turtles navigate 2,200km to Ascension in December. Courtship and mating take place just off shore. Females may mate several times but sperm can be stored for long periods and several clutches can be fertilized from one mating. The female leaves the water at night. She lays hundreds of eggs in a season in sandy pits. When the eggs are covered and camouflaged she returns to the sea and after the breeding season returns to Brazil. After incubating for up to 10 weeks, eggs hatch almost simultaneously. The baby turtles emerge together at night and scramble towards the sea guided by the lighter sky over it. They head for open water and an unknown destination. ----- Centre...

Boulenger's Arrow- Poison frog

"Boulenger's Arrow- Poison frog Boulenger's arrow-poison frog lives at the high altitudes in the South American Andes. It is easily caught and local people use a venom secreted from its skin to poison the tips of their hunting arrows. ----- CentreTravel " "Żrinġ Boulenger s Velenu vleġġa Żrinġ vleġġa-velenu Boulenger tgħix fil-altitudni għolja fl-Amerika Andes t'Isfel. Huwa faċilment maqbuda u nies lokali jużaw velenu mnixxija mill-ġilda tagħha velenu l-ponot ta ' vleġeġ kaċċa tagħhom. ----- CentreTravel " "Boulenger des Arrow-Gift-Frosch Boulenger des Pfeilgiftfrosch lebt in den großen Höhen in den südamerikanischen Anden. Es ist leicht gefangen und Menschen vor Ort verwenden, um ein Gift aus seiner Haut ausgeschieden, um die Spitze zu Gift ihre Jagdpfeile. ----- CentreTravel " "蛙的毒吊杆青蛙 鲍伦格的箭头毒蛙生活...


"Earthquake You might think that an earthquake is the one hazard you wouldn,t face at sea - but you'd be wrong. Severe quakes can cause tidal waves or shift the seabed so dramatically that you can be afloat one minute and aground the next. The Hydrographic Department of the Ministry of Defence has records of the damage caused by an earthquake off the coast of Portugal in 1969. The crew on one ship 100 miles away felt violent vibrations for about a minute. Another vessel the same distance away experienced a severe vertical shock. Meanwhile a motor tanker just 15 miles from the epicentre was lifted upwards and slammed down with such heavy vibrations that she was subsequently condemned as a total loss. ----- CentreTravel " "terremot Għandek mnejn taħseb li terremot hija l-periklu waħda inti wouldn, t wiċċ fuq il-baħar - iżda youd tkun ħażin. quakes severi jista 'jikkawża mewġ tal-marea jew bidla qiegħ...

Herby Carrots in Orange Juice

"Herby Carrots in Orange Juice 450g/1lb young carrots 6 tbsp pure unsweetened orange juice 2 tbsp water 2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley 1 tsp fresh mint 1/2 tsp salt pinch of pepper 1/8tsp sugar 1 tsp lemon juice 1 tsp corn oil mint sprig, to garnish Scrape the carrots, slice diagonally. Combine all remaining ingredients, except oil. Cook carrots. Then remove. Place carrots in a serving dish, add oil and mix. Leave to cool. Garnish with mint before serving. ----- CentreTravel " "B'hekk tiġi Karrotti larinġ 450g / £ 1 karrotti żgħażagħ 6 tbsp pur meraq tal-larinġ mhux dolċifikata ilma 2 tbsp 2 tursin frisk tbsp mqatta 1 mint Tsp friska 1/2 Tsp melħ niskata bżar 1 / zokkor 8tsp meraq tal-lumi 1 Tsp żejt tal-qamħ 1 Tsp sprig nagħniegħ, li garnish Jinbarax il-karrotti, porzjon dijagonali. Għaqqad l-ingredjenti kollha li fadal, ħlief iż-żejt. karrotti Cook. Imbagħad neħħi. Poġġi...

Chelsea Buns

"Chelsea Buns Use 450g/1lb White Bread dough 25g/1oz butter 150g/5oz currants 50g/2 oz brown sugar soft brown sugar for sprinkling pinch of ground cinnamon 2 tbsp sieved apricot jam Lightly grease a large shallow dish. Follow the instructions and method for white bread until the end of the first proving. Knead the dough on a lightly floured surface until smooth and elastic. Roll out to a rectangle about 30x23cm/12x9 inches. Place the butter and heat until melted. Brush over the dough and sprinkle with the currants and 50g/2oz brown sugar. Roll up from one of the long ends like a Swiss Roll. Cut across the roll to make 8 slices and place side by side, in a cooking dish. Cover and leave in a warm place until doubled in size. Sprinkle the top with a little sugar and cinnamon. Cook and cool on wire rack. Place jam in a bowl and warm. While still hot, brush the jam over the Chelsea buns. Makes 8. ----- CentreTravel https://centretravel.blogspo...

Salmon fish cakes

"Salmon fish cakes 1x100g / 4 oz pink salmon 100g/4 oz mashed potato 1 tsp butter 1 tsp lemon juice 1 tsp chopped parsley 1 small egg 4-5 tbsp golden breadcrumbs 3 tbsp vegetable oil Drain and flake the salmon. Mix thoroughly with potato, butter, lemon juice and parsley Season with salt and pepper and bind mixture with beaten egg. Divide mixture into four equal portions and shape each one into a round cake. Fry in oil. Can be served warm or cold with a mixed salad. ----- CentreTravel " "kejkijiet ħut Salamun 1x100g / 4 oz salamun roża 100g / 4 oz patata maxx butir 1 Tsp meraq tal-lumi 1 Tsp 1 tursin Tsp mqatta 1 tal-bajd żgħar 4-5 frak tal-ħobż dehbi tbsp żejt veġetali 3 tbsp Ixxotta u saffi saffi l-salamun. Ħallat sewwa bl-patata, butir, meraq tal-lumi u tursin Staġun bil-melħ u bżar u taħlita jorbot bil-bajd imsawta. Aqsam taħlita...

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