
Showing posts from March 5, 2008


Maltese biscuits - Quaresimal

"Maltese biscuits - Quaresimal A special sweet which is mostly eaten during Lent is the Quaresimal ( meaning Lent) Ingredients : 8 oz ground almonds 8 oz sugar half tsp cinnamon 6 oz flour grated lemon peel tbs flower water 2 tbs cocoa powder Method: Mix the ground almonds, sugar, cinnamon and cocoa powder, add flower water and grated lemon peel, lastly add the flour. Mix well into the dough adding a little water to bind. Leave pastry for about half an hour. After cut dough into pieces of 4 inches long and 2 inches wide. Place in a floured oven tin and bake When done remove from oven and sprinkle the tops with honey and pistachio nuts or almonds. Oven - 375 F or Gas no 4. for about 15 Minutes Very important do not over cook as they will become very hard. ----- CentreTravel " "gallettini maltese - Quaresimal A ħelu speċjali li huwa aktar jittiekel Randan huwa l-Quaresimal (li jfisser Randan) ingredjenti: 8 ...


"Music Music, as you all know, is one of the most common of all arts. There are two sides to a piece of music. On one side it reflects what the composer has in mind, when he makes up a piece of music. On the other side it reflects the listener. The way he understands what he is listening to. The answer is. When two people hear the same piece of music, there interpretation is bound to be different. ----- CentreTravel " "mużika Mużika, kif you know kollha, hija waħda mill-aktar komuni ta 'arti kollha. Hemm żewġ naħat għal biċċa mużika. Fuq naħa waħda li tirrifletti dak il-kompożitur għandha f'moħħha, meta huwa jagħmel up a biċċa mużika. Min-naħa l-oħra din tirrifletti l-semmiegħ. Il-mod jifhem dak li qed nisma '. It-tweġiba hija. Meta żewġ persuni tisma 'l-istess biċċa mużika, hemm interpretazzjoni hija marbuta li tkun differenti. ----- CentreTravel " "Musik ...


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