Maltese biscuits - Quaresimal
"Maltese biscuits - Quaresimal A special sweet which is mostly eaten during Lent is the Quaresimal ( meaning Lent) Ingredients : 8 oz ground almonds 8 oz sugar half tsp cinnamon 6 oz flour grated lemon peel tbs flower water 2 tbs cocoa powder Method: Mix the ground almonds, sugar, cinnamon and cocoa powder, add flower water and grated lemon peel, lastly add the flour. Mix well into the dough adding a little water to bind. Leave pastry for about half an hour. After cut dough into pieces of 4 inches long and 2 inches wide. Place in a floured oven tin and bake When done remove from oven and sprinkle the tops with honey and pistachio nuts or almonds. Oven - 375 F or Gas no 4. for about 15 Minutes Very important do not over cook as they will become very hard. ----- CentreTravel " "gallettini maltese - Quaresimal A ħelu speċjali li huwa aktar jittiekel Randan huwa l-Quaresimal (li jfisser Randan) ingredjenti: 8 ...