Bacon and cream cheese roll
"Bacon and cream cheese roll Trim the crusts from a fresh loaf of white bread and cut 1/4 inch lengthwise slices. Spread each slice with cream cheese which has softened at room temperature. Roll up each slice like a Swiss roll. Cut each roll in half crosswise, and wrap a slice of bacon around each roll, fastening it with a cocktail stick. Place the rolls on the grill rack, and toast them under moderate grill heat, turning often until the bacon is cooked. Arrange the rolls on a plate and serve with stuffed olives. ----- CentreTravel " "Bacon u ġobon krema roll Ittrimmja s qxur minn ħobża friska ta 'ħobż abjad u maqtugħin 1/4 pulzier tul flieli. Ifrex kull porzjon bil-ġobon krema li imrattab f'temperatura tal-kamra. Roll up kull porzjon bħal roll Svizzera. Aqta kull roll nofs djagonalment, u wrap porzjon ta 'bacon madwar kull roll, rbit ma' stick cocktail. Poġġi l-rollijiet fuq l-ixkaffa gr...