
Showing posts from May 6, 2008


Bacon and cream cheese roll

"Bacon and cream cheese roll Trim the crusts from a fresh loaf of white bread and cut 1/4 inch lengthwise slices. Spread each slice with cream cheese which has softened at room temperature. Roll up each slice like a Swiss roll. Cut each roll in half crosswise, and wrap a slice of bacon around each roll, fastening it with a cocktail stick. Place the rolls on the grill rack, and toast them under moderate grill heat, turning often until the bacon is cooked. Arrange the rolls on a plate and serve with stuffed olives. ----- CentreTravel " "Bacon u ġobon krema roll Ittrimmja s qxur minn ħobża friska ta 'ħobż abjad u maqtugħin 1/4 pulzier tul flieli. Ifrex kull porzjon bil-ġobon krema li imrattab f'temperatura tal-kamra. Roll up kull porzjon bħal roll Svizzera. Aqta kull roll nofs djagonalment, u wrap porzjon ta 'bacon madwar kull roll, rbit ma' stick cocktail. Poġġi l-rollijiet fuq l-ixkaffa gr...

Choosing cheese

"Choosing cheese Selecting and buying the right cheese is largely a matter of personal preference. Some people prefer mild cheese; others favour sharp or strong - flavoured cheeses. Children generally like mild cheeses and their elders the more pungent varieties. Information follows on the various forms of cheese available in retail markets. These facts may enlarge your acquaintance with the cheese family and help you use cheese more interestingly and appetizingly. ----- CentreTravel " "ġobon Choosing Għażla u jixtru l-ġobon dritt huwa prinċipalment kwistjoni ta 'preferenza personali. Xi nies jippreferu ġobon ħafif; oħrajn jippreferu li jaqtgħu jew qawwi - ġobon togħma. Tfal ġeneralment simili ġobon ħafif u anzjani tagħhom l varjetajiet aktar taħraqx. Informazzjoni isegwi l-forom varji ta 'ġobon disponibbli fis-swieq bl-imnut. Dawn il-fatti jistgħu tkabbar familjarità tiegħek mal-familja ġobon u jgħine...

10-minute corned beef and cabbage

"10-minute corned beef and cabbage 1 small head of cabbage 1 1-pound can corned beef, sliced some margarine 1 tbsp lemon juice Cut cabbage into thick wedges and place in a large pan with small amount of boiling, water. Place corned beef in a strainer, suspended over top of cooking pan but not touching the water. Cook for 8 to 10 minutes. The steam from the cabbage will heat the corned beef. Season cabbage with melted dripping, lemon juice. Serve on a warm dish with corned beef slices. Serves 4. ----- CentreTravel " "10-il minuta ċanga Corned u kaboċċi 1 kap żgħir ta 'kaboċċi 1 1-lira tista Corned ċanga, imfellel xi marġerina meraq tal-lumi 1 tbsp kaboċċi fis kunjardi ħoxna u l-post Aqta fil-livell pan kbira ma ammont żgħir ta 'togħlija, ilma. Poġġi ċanga Corned fil strainer, sospiżi matul quċċata ta 'tisjir pan iżda ma jmissux l-ilma. Cook għal 8 sa 10 minuti. Il-fwar mill-kaboċċi s...

Maltese Potato Pie

"Maltese Potato Pie For the dough: 500g plain flour 5 tsp sugar 5 tsp dried yeast 2 tsp salt 5 tbsp olive oil For the filling: 4 boiled potatoes, skin on 3 sun-dried tomatoes some anchoyy fillets olive oil Preheat oven 230C. Start off by preparing the dough, preferably hours in advance. Place all dry ingredients in a large bowl and mix, make a well in the centre and add the oil. With lukewarm water gradually add water to form a dough. Place the dough in a floured bowl and allow to rest. Punching it down, should it rise too much. When ready stretch dough and place in a well-oiled baking tray. Allow the edges to be thicker. Peel the potatoes and slice them into 1 cm slices. Spread at base of the pizza. Next place the chopped tomatoes and anchovies and drizzle some olive oil. Pull the edge of the dough slightly and cover 3/4 of the pizza. Bake in the preheated oven for 10 to 15 minutes. ----- CentreTravel ...

Facts about Transplants

"Facts about Transplants Transplants are one of the most miraculous achievements of modern medicine. However, they depend entirely on the generosity of donors and their families. Tissue donation is the gift of tissue such as corneas, skin, bone, tendons, cartilage and heart valves to help others. One donor can save the life of several people, restore the sight of two others and improve the quality of many more. Although extremely rare, it is theoretically possible that an organ, such as a heart, is transplanted more than one time. When someone dies in a traffic accident, everything dies with them, except for the cornea, which has to be stored within 24 hours. Apart from that, a person has to die at the ITU in order for organs to be donated. ----- CentreTravel " "Fatti dwar Trapjanti It-trapjanti huma wieħed mill-kisbiet l-aktar mirakuluża tal-mediċina moderna. Madankollu, huma jiddependu kompletament fuq i...

The Woolly Tapir

"The Woolly Tapir The Woolly Tapir belongs to the Tapiridae, one of three families in the Perissodactyla, the order of hoofed, odd-toed animals. The Tapir is an Andean species and grazes on grass and other low-growing vegetation. Like other Tapirs it is a docile creature and a good runner, swimmer and diver. It has similar dimensions to a donkey, measuring up to 2.5 m long ----- CentreTravel " "Il Tapir sufi Il Tapir sufi tappartjeni għall-Tapiridae, waħda mit-tliet familji fil-Perissodactyla, il ordni ta ', l-annimali fard toed b'dufrejhom mifruqa. Il Tapir hija speċi Andini u girfiet fuq ħaxix u veġetazzjoni li qed jikber bi ftit oħrajn. Bħal Tapiri ieħor dan huwa kreatura docile u runner tajba, għawwiem u diversità. Hija għandha dimensjonijiet simili għal ħmar, kejl sa twil 2.5 m ----- CentreTravel " "Die Wollige Tapir Der Wollige Tapir gehört zur Ta...

The Olm

"The Olm The Olm is a neotenous amphibian that lives in caves. The young have eyes and are dark-coloured like salamanders but these features soon disappear in adult forms. ----- CentreTravel " "il Olm Il Olm huwa anfibji neotenous li jgħix fl-għerien. Iż-żgħażagħ jkollhom għajnejn u huma skur kkulurita bħal salamandri iżda dawn il-karatteristiċi malajr jisparixxu fil-forom adulti. ----- CentreTravel " "die Olm Der Olm ist eine neothenischen Amphibie, die in Höhlen leben. Die Jungen haben Augen und sind dunkelfarbig wie Molche aber diese Eigenschaften bald verschwinden in adulten Formen. ----- CentreTravel " "该OLM 该OLM是一个稚气未脱的两栖类动物,生活在洞穴里。 年轻的有眼,有深色类似蝾螈,但这些功能很快消失 在成人的形式。 ----- CentreTravel " "el Olm El Olm es un anfibio neotenico que vive en cuevas. Los jóve...

The fire Salamander

"The fire Salamander The fire Salamander is the largest European Salamander, attaining a length of 28 cm. It lives in hilly, wooded areas and uses striking coloration to warn off predators. ----- CentreTravel " "Il Salamander nar Il Salamander nar hija l-akbar Salamander Ewropea, u jilħaq tul ta '28 ċm. Hija tgħix bl-għoljiet, boskijiet u l-użi kolorazzjoni impressjonanti biex iwissu off predaturi. ----- CentreTravel " "Das Feuer Salamander Der Feuersalamander ist der größte europäische Salamander, eine Länge von 28 cm erreichen. Er lebt in einem hügeligen, bewaldeten Gebieten und verwendet auffällige Färbung Räuber zu warnen ab. ----- CentreTravel " "火蝾螈 火蝾螈是欧洲最大的蝾螈,达到28厘米的长度。 它生活在丘陵,树林和使用醒目的色彩来警告捕食者。 ----- CentreTravel " "La salamandra La salamandra salamandra ...

The pipefish and the stickleback

"The pipefish and the stickleback One of the Ocean's oddities, the seahorse, is related to the pipefish and to the stickleback. These fish have bodies covered, in varying degree, with bony plates and have tubular snouts. ----- CentreTravel " "Il pipefish u l stickleback Wieħed mill oddities tal-Oċean tal, il-seahorse, hija relatata mal-pipefish u lill-stickleback. Dawn il-ħut jkollhom korpi koperti, fl grad differenti, bi pjanċi bony u jkollhom geddum tubulari. ----- CentreTravel " "Die Seenadeln und die stickleback Eine der Merkwürdigkeiten des Ozeans, das Seepferdchen, wird auf die Seenadeln und zum stickleback bezogen. Diese Fische haben Körper bedeckt, in unterschiedlichem Maße mit Knochenplatten und haben Rohr Schnauzen. ----- CentreTravel " "该尖嘴和棘 一个海洋的自然风景,海马的,是关系到尖嘴和对刺。 这些鱼有覆盖,在不同程度的机构,与骨板,并具有筒状的口鼻部。 --...

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