The Po Delta Park is located where the great Po River meets the Adriatic Sea in the northern central Italy, on the eastern border of the Padana lowland. The delta district of the region Emilia - Romogna includes the physical delta in the northern area and the historical delta in the southern territory of the Park. Beautiful cities such as Venice, Ferrara and Ravenna represent the extremes. A place which is easily reached by road, rail or plane. 1 - A) On the bank of the PO di Goro B) Wetlands of Valle Porticino - Cannevie' and Valli Bertuzzi lagoon. 2 - Vallette di Ostellato 3 - A) From the fishing station Foce, to the Comacchio Salt Pan, to the Valle Fossa Porto and to the Valle Zavelea wetlands B) Valle Furlana: from Boscoforte to Volta Scirocco 4 - A) Punte Alb...