The mineral waters of Levico Vetriolo are classified as arsenical-ferruginous. Balneotherapy, with the thermal waters of Levico, provides an adequate solution to well-identified forms of states of anxiety. Furthermore, the waters in Levico have been confirmed as a valid prevention and treatment of inflammatory illnesses caused by pollutants. The Thermal Baths of Levico are particularly effective for fangotherapy treatments, which cure rheumatic illnesses, such as arthroses, rheumatisms, arthritis, the result of rheumatic diseases and the after-effects of bone fractures. The thermal waters are undisputedly effective in the treatment of thyroid and skin diseases, as well as gynaecological problems. Axienda per il turismo Valsugana Lagoral Terme - Laghi Tel: +39 0461 706101 Nr. Verde 800018925 Email: Web: INFO: