Why stir-fry?
"Why stir-fry? Stir-fry is a simple and healthy way to cook vegetables of all kinds. Stir-fry is the home-cooking method in China. Stir-fry is healthy because a little oil is used, then the vegetables are added and stirred constantly over a high heat for a matter of minutes. Finally, the seasonings are added and the dish is served. ----- CentreTravel https://centretravel.blogspot.com " "Għaliex ħawwad-fry? Ħawwad-fry huwa mod sempliċi u b'saħħithom biex issajjar ħxejjex ta 'kull tip. Ħawwad-fry huwa l-metodu ta 'tisjir fid-dar fiċ-Ċina. Ħawwad-fry huwa b'saħħtu għaliex ftit żejt huwa użat, allura l-ħxejjex huma miżjuda u mħawwda kontinwament fuq sħana għolja għal kwistjoni ta 'minuti. Fl-aħħarnett, il-ħwawar huma miżjuda u l-platt tkun innotifikata. ----- CentreTravel https://centretravel.blogspot.com " "Warum unter Rühren braten? Rühren braten ist eine einfache und gesunde Art und Weise Gemüse aller Art zu ko...