
Showing posts from May 23, 2008


Why stir-fry?

"Why stir-fry? Stir-fry is a simple and healthy way to cook vegetables of all kinds. Stir-fry is the home-cooking method in China. Stir-fry is healthy because a little oil is used, then the vegetables are added and stirred constantly over a high heat for a matter of minutes. Finally, the seasonings are added and the dish is served. ----- CentreTravel " "Għaliex ħawwad-fry? Ħawwad-fry huwa mod sempliċi u b'saħħithom biex issajjar ħxejjex ta 'kull tip. Ħawwad-fry huwa l-metodu ta 'tisjir fid-dar fiċ-Ċina. Ħawwad-fry huwa b'saħħtu għaliex ftit żejt huwa użat, allura l-ħxejjex huma miżjuda u mħawwda kontinwament fuq sħana għolja għal kwistjoni ta 'minuti. Fl-aħħarnett, il-ħwawar huma miżjuda u l-platt tkun innotifikata. ----- CentreTravel " "Warum unter Rühren braten? Rühren braten ist eine einfache und gesunde Art und Weise Gemüse aller Art zu ko...

Chicken, bacon, spinach and mushroom sauce on pasta

"Chicken, bacon, spinach and mushroom sauce on pasta 1 large chicken breast cut into strips 400g mushrooms thickly sliced 200g bacon sliced 100g chopped spinach 1 medium onion, sliced 2 cloves garlic 100g grated cheese some chopped parsley In a large frying pan add some olive oil and fry onion and garlic, then add chicken and bacon and continue cooking, stirring frequently. Stir in mushrooms and spinach, then add mushroom sauce. Cook pasta in boiling salted water. When al dente. Toss the cooked pasta in the sauce, sprinkle with grated cheese and parsley and serve. ----- CentreTravel " "Chicken, bacon, spinaċi u zalza faqqiegħ fuq l-għaġin 1 sider tat-tiġieġa kbir maqtugħin fi strippi 400g faqqiegħ b'kisja imfellel 200g bejken imqatta 100g spinaċi mqatta 1 basla medju, imqatta 2 sinniet tewm ġobon maħkuk 100g xi tursin mqatta Fi qali pan kbir żid ftit żejt u fry żebbuġa basla u tewm, im...

Prune and Orange Pots - Dessert

"Prune and Orange Pots - Dessert 225g pitted prunes 150 ml Fresh orange juice 250 ml Low fat Natural Yogurt Shreds of orange rind to decorate Chop the prunes. Place them in a pan with the orange juice and leave to simmer for 5 mins, until prunes are tender and liquid has reduced by half. Remove from heat and allow to cool slightly and beat well with a wooden spoon, until fruit breaks down to a rough puree'. Transfer the puree' mixture to a bowl, stir in the yogurt and the fruit puree' to give a marbled effect. Spoon the mixture into individual bowls and decorate with orange rind. Chill to serve. Serves 4 ----- CentreTravel " "Prune u Orange qsari - deżerta 225g bl-għadma maqlugħa pruna 150 ml meraq tal-larinġ frisk 250 ml baxx ta 'xaħam Naturali Jogurt Bċejjeċ ta 'qoxra oranġjo biex iżejnu CHOP l-pruna. Tpoġġihom fil-livell pan mal-meraq tal-larinġ u ħallih ttektek għal 5 m...

Aubergine Cannelloni

"Aubergine Cannelloni 2 large aubergines, thinly sliced lengthways. 1 tbsp salt 3 tbsp oil 1 onion, finely chopped 2 garlic cloves, crushed 397g can chopped tomatoes 3 tbsp tomato puree' 1 tsp sugar 100g ricotta cheese small bunch basil 225g mozzarella, sliced 50g Parmesan, grated Arrange aubergine slices in a colander, sprinkle with salt and stand for 15 minutes. Wash and pat dry on kitchen paper. Arrange on an oiled baking sheet, brush lightly with oiland cook at 180C or Gas Mark 4 for 12 minutes. Meanwhile, heat remaining oil and cook onion and garlic for 3-4 minutes. Add tomatoes, puree' and sugar. Simmer for 15 minutes. Spread a little ricotta on each aubergine slice, top with basil leaf and a slice of mozzarella. Season, roll into cannelloni shapes. Put half sauce in base of a 1 litre oven-proof dish, top with aubergine and remaining sauce. Sprinkle over Parmesan, cook at 200C for 20 min. Garnish with fresh basil. -----...

Goulash Stew

"Goulash Stew 400g braising steak, cubed 2 tbsp oil 1 onion , sliced 1 red pepper, deseeded and sliced 200g mushrooms, sliced 2 cloves garlic, crushed 1/2 tsp paprika pinch of ground cumin 400g can chopped tomatoes 4 tbsp soured cream 300g mashed potatoes Set oven 180C or Gas mark 4. Trim the beef of any excess fat. Heat oil in casserole dish and fry the beef until browned. Add the onions and fry until tender, then add the pepper, mushrooms and garlic with the paprika and cumin and fry for 5 minutes more. Add 150 ml water and the tomatoes. Bring to the boil, cover and place in the oven for 2 hours. Remove, swirl in the soured cream and serve with mashed potatoes. ----- CentreTravel " "goulash Stew 400g braising steak, kubiku Żejt 2 tbsp 1 basla, imqatta 1 bżar aħmar, deseeded u mqatta faqqiegħ 200g, imfellel 2 sinniet tewm, imfarrak paprika 1/2 Tsp niskata kemmun art 400g jista m...

The long-nosed spiny anteater

"The long-nosed spiny anteater The long-nosed spiny anteater of New Guinea is a monotreme of the family Tachyglossidae. It can grow from 45 to 77.5 cm long. The order contains one other family (Orinthorhynchidae) ----- CentreTravel " "Il anteater spiny twil ta 'mnieħru Il anteater spiny twila ta 'mnieħru ta' New Guinea huwa monotreme tal-familja Tachyglossidae. Hija tista 'tikber minn 45 għal 77.5 ċm twil. L-ordni fiha familja waħda oħra (Orinthorhynchidae) ----- CentreTravel " "Der langnasiger Ameisenigel Die langnasiger Ameisenigel von Neu-Guinea ist ein Monotreme der Familie Tachyglossidae. Es kann 45 bis 77,5 cm lang wachsen. Der Auftrag enthält eine andere Familie (Orinthorhynchidae) ----- CentreTravel " "长鼻子针鼹 新几内亚的长鼻子针鼹是家庭Tachyglossidae的单孔类动物。 它可以从长45〜77.5厘米增长。 订单中包含一个其他家庭(Orinthorhynchidae...

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