5 Age-Viewpoints on a Pension
"5 Age-Viewpoints on a Pension At the age of 25 : They tell me the job is not pensionable. At the age of 35 : Unfortunately my work does not bear a pension. At the age of 45 : How I wish I could look forward to a pension. At the age of 55 : I dread reaching retiring age without a pension. At the age 0f 65 : Without a pension I really don't know what I shall do. ----- CentreTravel https://centretravel.blogspot.com " "5 Età-Fehmiet fuq Pensjoni Fl-età ta '25: Huma tell me l-impjiegi mhuwiex pensjonabbli. Fl-età ta '35: Sfortunatament xogħol tiegħi ma jkollux pensjoni. Fl-età ta 45: Kif Nixtieq I jistgħu jistennew ħerqana għal pensjoni. Fl-età ta '55: I dread jilħqu jirtiraw età mingħajr pensjoni. Fl-età 0F 65: Mingħajr pensjoni I verament ma nafx dak I għandhom jagħmlu. ----- CentreTravel https://centretravel.blogspot.com " "5 Altersaussichtspunkte auf einer Pension Im Alter von 25: Sie sagen mir der Job nicht rente...