
Showing posts from March 7, 2008


Figolla - shapes or figures

"Figolla - shapes or figures Like many other countries all over the world, Malta too has special dishes for special occasions. Easter time calls for ""Figolli"" meaning shapes or figures. Ingredients for the pastry: vanilla essence 1 lb self raising flour 8 0z. sugar juice and grated rind of half a lemon 8 oz. margarine 3 eggs and some milk if needed to bind. Method: Work margarine well into the flour. Beat eggs and mix with sugar, then add to flour. Add other ingredients and form a dough. Let stand in fridge for about half an hour. MARZIPAN FILLING FOR FIGOLLI Ingredients: 8 oz. ground almonds, 40z sugar and some water Method: Mix sugar with water and bring to the boil. When the mixture ""threads"" add the ground almonds. Stir well and when done remove from fire and let cool. Roll out the pastry to 1/2 in thick and cut to various shapes and figures. Lamb, boats, cars,fish Make two of each shape. When the marzipan is coo...

Science in Space

"Science in Space A space laboratory is being fixed to the International Space Station. Astronauts Stan Love and Rex Walheim attached the lab, which is called Columbus to the main structure of the ISS during an eight -hour spacewalk. A later spacewalk was made to get Columbus up and running. The lab could help scientist make a breakthroughs in medical. The job took longer than expected, but the commander, Stephen Frick, was really pleased saying the astronauts had done a great job. The Columbus lab was made in Europe and is an important part of a project to get Europe more involved in the international space programme. ----- CentreTravel " "Xjenza fl-Ispazju Laboratorju spazju qed jiġi mwaħħal mal-Istazzjon Spazjali Internazzjonali. Astronawti Stan Imħabba u Rex Walheim mehmuża l-laboratorju, li huwa msejjaħ Columbus għall-istruttura prinċipali tal-ISS waqt tmien -hour Spacewalk. A Spacewalk wara saret biex tikseb Columbus u...

Dinosaur discovery

"Dinosaur discovery A young boy who is crazy about dinosaurs made a discovery of a set of dinosaur footprints, while walking on a beach with his father near Scarborough, in Yorkshire, England. The footprints date 160 million years. The tracks were perfectly preserved and measured 23 cm. They were probably from a plant-eating dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic period . ----- CentreTravel " "iskoperta dinosawru A boy żgħażagħ li hija crazy dwar dinosawri għamlet sejba ta 'sett ta' footprints dinosawru, waqt mixi fuq bajja ma 'missieru qrib Scarborough, Yorkshire, l-Ingilterra. Il footprints data 160 miljun sena. Il-binarji kienu perfettament ippreservat u mkejjel 23 ċm. Huma kienu probabbilment minn dinosawru tiekol impjant mill-perjodu Jurassic Nofsani. ----- CentreTravel " "Dinosaurier-Entdeckung Ein kleiner Junge, der verrückt über Dinosaurier ist eine Entdeckung g...

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