
Showing posts from April 3, 2008


At the cinema

"At the cinema The people sitting in front of my son and girlfriend at a cinema were so talkative that my son leaned forward and said to them, ""Do you mind?"" We hardly hear what's going on."" ""You're not supposed to,"" one of them said. ""This is a private conservation."" ----- CentreTravel " "Fiċ-ċinema Il-poplu seduta quddiem ta 'tifel tiegħi u ħabiba fi ċinema tant kienu talkative li t-tifel tiegħi leaned quddiem u qalilhom, ""Do you mind?"" Aħna bilkemm tisma 'dak li għaddej. "" ""Int mhux suppost li,"" wieħed minnhom qal. ""Din hija konservazzjoni privat."" ----- CentreTravel " "Im Kino Die Leute vor meinem Sohn und seine Freundin in einem Kino saßen so gesprächig, dass mein Sohn beugte sich vor und sagte zu ihnen: ...


"Triggerfish Triggerfish and file fish are co-inhabitants of warm Pacific waters. When alarmed they retreat into coral cavities and erect their fin spines to make themselves immovable. ----- CentreTravel " "triggerfish Triggerfish u ħut fajl huma ko-abitanti ta 'l-ilmijiet tal-Paċifiku sħun. Meta allarmat huma repli fis kavitajiet qroll u wieqfa ispina fin tagħhom biex jagħmlu lilhom infushom immobbli. ----- CentreTravel " "trigger Trigger und Datei Fische sind Beifische von warmen pazifischen Gewässern. Wenn alarmiert sie sich zurückziehen Korallen Hohlräume in und ihre aufrechte Flosse Stacheln sich unbeweglich zu machen. ----- CentreTravel " "鲀 鲀和文件鱼是温暖的太平洋水域的芳邻。当他们惊慌撤退 成珊瑚腔和树立自己的鳍棘,使自己不动。 ----- CentreTravel " "peces ballesta Peces ballesta y pescado archivo son c...

Fish - the herring

"Fish  - the herring One of the man's most important food fish is the herring. It is classified in order Clupeiformes and is found on both sides of the North Atlantic. Its average length is 30 cm (12 in). ----- CentreTravel " "Ħut - l-aringi Wieħed mill-ħut ikel l-aktar importanti tar-raġel huwa l-aringi. Hija tiġi klassifikata sabiex Clupeiformes u jinsab fuq iż-żewġ naħat tal-Atlantiku tat-Tramuntana. tul medju tiegħu huwa 30 ċm (12). ----- CentreTravel " "Fische - der Hering Eines der wichtigsten Speisefische des Menschen ist der Hering. Es ist in Ordnung Clupeiformes eingestuft und ist auf beiden Seiten des Nordatlantiks gefunden. Seine durchschnittliche Länge beträgt 30 cm (12 in). ----- CentreTravel " "鱼 - 青鱼 一个男人最重要的食用鱼是青鱼。 它被归类为了鲱形目和北大西洋的两侧发现。 其平均长度为30厘米(12英寸)。 ----- CentreTravel https://centretrav...

It is never too late.

"It is never too late. When my mother contracted glaucoma at the age of 90, she was told to put drops in both her eyes each day. One afternoon a friend came to visit her after many years. While they were chatting, my mother mentioned the eye drops. ""How often do you have to put them in ?,"" asked her friend. ""Every day"", replied my mother. ""My goodness,"" the other replied, ""how long will you have to keep on doing that ?"" ""For the rest of my life,"" replied my mother. ""Oh, well then,"" sighed my friend with relief, ""that's not too bad, is it?"" . ----- CentreTravel " "Qatt mhu tard wisq. Meta ommi kuntrattati glawkoma fl-età ta 90, hi kien qal li jitqiegħdu qtar fiż-żewġ tagħha għajnejn kull jum. Wieħed wara nofsinhar ħabib waslet biex iżuru tagħha wara ħafna s...

Rabbit Pie

"Rabbit Pie Ingredients: 400 gr pastry of your choice, I use yogurt Pastry. Rabbit, either minced or fresh and cooked and cut into chunks. 1 tbs oil 300 gr onion sliced. 4 bay leaves 1 tsp mixed spice 250 red wine 100 gr carrots, cubed 400 gr peas 200 gr tomatoes, chopped Method: Fry rabbit in olive oil, and clean from bones. Use same frying pan, and fry onion, spices and bay leaf. Add wine, carrots, peas and tomatoes and simmer. Let cool. Line a pie dish and pour mixture. Cook in oven about 200F till golden. ----- CentreTravel " "pie fenek Ingredjenti: 400 gr għaġina tal-għażla tiegħek, I-użu għaġina jogurt. Fenek, jew kapuljat jew frisk u msajjar u maqtugħa biċċiet. Żejt 1 TBS 300 basla gr imfettet. 4 weraq tar-rand 1 ħwawar imħallta Tsp 250 inbid aħmar 100 gr karrotti, kubiku 400 gr piżelli 200 gr tadam, imqatta Metodu: Fry fenek fiż-żejt taż-żebbuġa, u nadif mill-għadam. Uża ...


"Malta Malta is a place you should visit to understand what it means to be Mediterranean. In Malta you can find unique treasures such as the original settlers' temples. The lap desk upon which Grand Master Jean de Parisot La Valette drafted the plans for Valletta The compass that Admiral Nelson used to guide British explorations in the 19th century. So, you'll be amazed to know that Malta has more than one million artefacts that illustrate Maltese culture - its innovative spirit, its diversity and its singularity. ----- CentreTravel " "malta Malta huwa post għandek żjara biex jifhem dak li tfisser li tkun Mediterran. F'Malta tista 'ssib teżori uniċi bħal tempji l settlers oriġinali "". Il-bank ħoġor fuqha Gran Mastru Jean de Parisot La Valette abbozzat l-pjanijiet għall-Belt Valletta -Kumpass li Ammirall Nelson jintużaw sabiex jagħtu direzzjoni esplorazzjonijiet Brittaniċi fis-seklu 19. ...

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