At the cinema
"At the cinema The people sitting in front of my son and girlfriend at a cinema were so talkative that my son leaned forward and said to them, ""Do you mind?"" We hardly hear what's going on."" ""You're not supposed to,"" one of them said. ""This is a private conservation."" ----- CentreTravel " "Fiċ-ċinema Il-poplu seduta quddiem ta 'tifel tiegħi u ħabiba fi ċinema tant kienu talkative li t-tifel tiegħi leaned quddiem u qalilhom, ""Do you mind?"" Aħna bilkemm tisma 'dak li għaddej. "" ""Int mhux suppost li,"" wieħed minnhom qal. ""Din hija konservazzjoni privat."" ----- CentreTravel " "Im Kino Die Leute vor meinem Sohn und seine Freundin in einem Kino saßen so gesprächig, dass mein Sohn beugte sich vor und sagte zu ihnen: ...