
Showing posts from April 13, 2008


How to save your leftover champagne

"How to save your  leftover champagne Well putting the cork back when you have leftover champagne, is really out oof the question. The best is to buy ""pressure -resistant caps beforehand of course. When you have none of these remedies, either store it upright in the fridge. OR finish it. ----- CentreTravel " "Kif tiffranka xampanja jibqalek tiegħek Ukoll tqegħid l-sufra lura meta jkollok xampanja jibqalek, huwa verament barra OOF-mistoqsija. L-aħjar huwa li jixtru ""tappijiet -resistant pressjoni qabel tal-kors. Meta inti għandek ebda waħda minn dawn ir-rimedji, jew jaħżnuh wieqfa fil-friġġ. JEW jintemm dan. ----- CentreTravel " "Wie Sie Ihre übrig gebliebenen Champagner sparen Nun setzen Sie den Korken wieder, wenn Sie übrig gebliebene Champagner haben, ist wirklich aus oof die Frage. Das Beste ist, „Druck -resistenter Kappen vorher natürlic...

Homemade minestra

"Homemade minestra 2 carrots 2 marrows 2 medium onions 2 medium potatoes 1 small cauliflower 200g pumpkin 4 celery stalks 1 tsp tomato paste 2 tbs olive oil 100g dry white beans grated cheese to serve Method: Soak beans overnight and cook until well done. Wash, peel and chop all vegetables. Put all vegetables in pot, add 500ml water and the paste. When vegetables are ready add cooked beans . Serve with grated cheese. In the old days, people used to stir-fry vegetables before adding water. I prefer not to. ----- CentreTravel " "minestra homemade 2 karrotti 2 qargħa 2 basal medju 2 patata medju 1 pastard żgħir 200g qara 4 zkuk karfus pejst tat-tadam 1 Tsp 2 TBS żejt taż-żebbuġa 100g fażola bajda niexfa ġobon maħkuk biex iservu Metodu: Xarrab fażola matul il-lejl u sajjar sakemm isir ukoll. Aħsel, qoxra u CHOP ħxejjex kollha. Poġġi l-ħxejjex kollha borma, żid l-ilma 500ml u l-...

Toasted cauliflower puree

"Toasted cauliflower puree You need: 200 g cauliflower 2 cloves garlic 25 g coconut flakes 15ml olive oil Method: Halve the cauliflower and onion chopped in tiny bits. Prepare a pan and heat for a few mins. Take off from heat and quickly stir-fry cauliflower and coconut flakes. Blend together with garlic and olive oil. ----- CentreTravel " "purejiet pastard mixwi Ikollok bżonn: 200 g pastard 2 sinniet tewm 25 g qxur coconut żejt taż-żebbuġa 15ml Metodu: Tnaqqis bin-nofs pastard u basal mqatta fil-bits ċkejkna. Ipprepara pan u saħħan għal ftit minuti. Neħħi mis-sħana u malajr ħawwad-fry pastard u coconut qxur. Taħlita flimkien bit-tewm u żejt taż-żebbuġa. ----- CentreTravel " "Geröstete Blumenkohl-Püree Sie benötigen: 200 g Blumenkohl 2 Knoblauchzehen 25 g Kokosflocken 15 ml Olivenöl Methode: Halbieren Sie den Blumenkohl und Zwiebeln in winzige...

Hazelnut drinking chocolate

"Hazelnut drinking chocolate Prepare a mug of thick drinking chocolate, add a to of hazelnut syrup. Stir until the drinking chocolate is ready. Serve with whipped cream. ----- CentreTravel " "Ġellewż ċikkulata tax-xorb Ipprepara mug ta 'ċikkulata tax-xorb ħoxna, żid sa' ġulepp ġellewż. Ħawwad sakemm il-ċikkulata tax-xorb hija lesta. Iservu bil-krema bit-tarjola. ----- CentreTravel " "Haselnuss Trinkschokolade Bereiten Sie eine Tasse dicke Trinkschokolade, fügen Sie ein zu Haselnusssirup. Rühren, bis die Trinkschokolade ist fertig. Servieren mit Schlagsahne. ----- CentreTravel " "榛子巧克力饮用 准备的厚厚的巧克力饮用一大杯,添加到榛子糖浆。 搅拌直到巧克力饮品已准备就绪。 与奶油即成。 ----- CentreTravel " "Avellana chocolate a la taza Preparar una taza de chocolate espeso para beber, para añadir un jarabe d...

Stuffed rabbit loin

"Stuffed rabbit loin 1 rabbit loin boneless 2 cloves garlic 1 small onion (finely chopped) 200g ricotta cheese parsley sun dried tomato(finely chopped) 50g pine nuts toasted foil Sauce: 1 chopped onion 1 beef cube white wine basil Method: Mix all ingredients for the rabbit stuffing, in a food processor. Stuff the rabbit loin with the mixture and roll in the foil. Cook in a moderate oven for about 35 mins. Sauce: Gently fry the garlic and onion in a saucepan until light brown, add the wine and simmer until reduced by half. Gradually add the tomato sauce and the beef cube and season to taste. Serve with mashed potatoes and mixed vegetables. ----- CentreTravel " "flett fenek mimli 1 fenek mingħajr għadam flett 2 sinniet tewm 1 basla żgħar (mqatta 'b'mod fin) ġobon rikotta 200g tursin xemx imnixxef tadam (mqatta 'b'mod fin) ġewż 50g pine mixwi fojl Zalza: 1 basla mqat...


"Pheasants Pheasants such as the koklass illustrate the differences between the sexes in many birds. The males generally sport bright attractive colours while the female has cryptically coloured plumage for defence while incubating. ----- CentreTravel " "faġani Faġani bħall-koklass juru d-differenzi bejn is-sessi f'ħafna għasafar. L-irġiel ġeneralment isport kuluri attraenti jleqqu filwaqt li l-mara tkun cryptically kkulurita rix għad-difiża waqt inkubat. ----- CentreTravel " "Fasane Fasane wie die koklass zeigen die Unterschiede zwischen den Geschlechtern in vielen Vögeln. Die Männchen des Sport im Allgemeinen helle attraktive Farben, während die weiblichen kryptisch gefärbt hat Gefieder Verteidigung während Inkubation. ----- CentreTravel " "野鸡 雉如勺鸡说明许多鸟两性之间的差异。 雄性一般体育运动鲜艳诱人的颜色,而女性有彩色若有所思 羽毛国防同时培养。 ----- ...


"Hornbills Hornbills are unusual because in some species the female walls herself up in her nest-hole with mud and dung, leaving only a crack through which she is fed by the male. ----- CentreTravel " "Buċeri Buċeri huma mhux tas-soltu minħabba li f'xi speċi-ħitan nisa ruħha up fil bejta-toqba tagħha ma tajn u demel, li jħallu biss xaqq permezz tiegħu hija mitmugħa mill-irġiel. ----- CentreTravel " "Nashornvögel Nashornvögel sind ungewöhnlich, weil bei einigen Arten die weiblichen Wände sich in ihrem Nest-Loch mit Schlamm und Mist, so dass nur ein Riss durch die sie vom Männchen gefüttert wird. ----- CentreTravel " "犀鸟 犀鸟是不寻常的,因为在一些物种的女墙来自己在她的窝洞 与泥浆和粪,只留下通她通过阳馈送裂纹。 ----- CentreTravel " "cálaos Cálaos son inusuales porque en algunas especies las hembras hasta ella...

The grass snake

"The grass snake The grass snake is found throughout Europe, northern Africa and central Asia. It is not venomous and can swim. It is also known as the European water snake. ----- CentreTravel " "L-serp ħaxix L-serp ħaxix jinstab madwar l-Ewropa, l-Afrika tat-Tramuntana u l-Asja ċentrali. Mhuwiex velenużi u jistgħu jgħumu. Huwa wkoll magħruf bħala l-serp tal-ilma Ewropea. ----- CentreTravel " "Die Ringelnatter Die Grasschlange ist in ganz Europa, Nordafrika und Zentralasien gefunden. Es ist nicht giftig und schwimmen kann. Es wird auch als die europäische Wasserschlange bekannt. ----- CentreTravel " "草蛇 草蛇在整个欧洲,非洲北部和亚洲中部发现。 它不是有毒的,可以游泳。 它也被称为欧洲的水蛇。 ----- CentreTravel " "La serpiente de hierba La culebra de collar se encuentra en toda Europa, norte de África y Asi...

The two-toned arrow poison frog

"The two-toned arrow poison frog This frog is a native of Peru. The poison exuded by the skin is used by Indians to coat their arrows. The rim of the frog's upper jaw is armed with small teeth. ----- CentreTravel " "-Żrinġ velenu żewġ attenwata vleġġa Dan Żrinġ huwa nattiv tal-Peru. Il velenu exuded mill-ġilda huwa użat mill-Indjani lil pil vleġeġ tagħhom. -Rimm tal xedaq ta 'fuq tal-Żrinġ huwa armat bil-snien żgħar. ----- CentreTravel " "Der zweifarbige Pfeilgiftfrosch Dieser Frosch ist gebürtiger Peru. Das Gift von der Haut ausgeschwitzt wird durch Inder zu beschichten ihrer Pfeile verwendet. Der Rand des Oberkiefers des Frosches ist mit kleinen Zähnen ausgerüstet. ----- CentreTravel " "双色调箭头毒蛙 这种青蛙是秘鲁本地人。 被皮肤渗出毒物由印度人涂覆其箭头使用。 青蛙的上颚的边缘装备有小齿。 ----- CentreTravel "...

The combat dance

"The combat dance The ""combat dance"" is a display of ritual fighting by pairs of rival male snakes over a female. Venomous snakes, such as these rattlers, do not attempt to bite but merely push each other to the ground to establish superiority. ----- CentreTravel " "Il-żfin miġġielda Il- ""miġġielda żfin"" hija wirja ta 'ġlied ritwali minn pari ta' sriep maskili rivali fuq mara. sriep velenużi, bħal dawn rattlers, tippruvax gidma iżda sempliċement timbotta xulxin biex l-art biex jistabbilixxu superjorità. ----- CentreTravel " "Der Kampftanz Der „Kampftanz“ ist eine Anzeige der rituellen Kämpfe durch Paare von rivalisierenden männlichen Schlangen über eine Frau. Giftige Schlangen, wie diese Klapperschlangen, versuchen Sie nicht zu beißen, sondern nur schieben sich gegenseitig der Boden Überlegenheit zu etablieren. --...

pasta with frozen artichokes and ricotta

"pasta with frozen artichokes and  ricotta 400 g artichokes hearts 1 small onion 1 tsp butter 100g ricotta grated cheese Method: Place onion in a pan with little bit of olive oil and butter. Add artichokes quartered and stir. Add about half a cup of boiling water and stir. Cover the pot and allow artichokes to simmer till well cooked. Cook Pasta of your choice. When pasta is ready, mash ricotta with a fork. Strain pasta , add ricotta and artichoke sauce. Serve with a grating of cheese. ----- CentreTravel " "għaġin bil qaqoċċ iffriżat u rikotta 400 qlub g qaqoċċ 1 basla żgħar butir 1 Tsp 100g rikotta ġobon maħkuk Metodu: Post basla fil-livell pan ma 'ftit ta' żejt taż-żebbuġa u l-butir. Żid qaqoċċ kwartieri u ħawwad. Żid madwar nofs tazza ta 'ilma u ħawwad jagħli. Għatti l-pot u jippermettu qaqoċċ għall ttektek till imsajjar sew. Cook Għaġin 'l-għażla tiegħek. Meta għaġin hija...

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