
Showing posts from March 23, 2008


The flat fish

"The flat fish The flat fish are classified in the order Pleuronectiformes. They really have ""twisted"" bodies, for as these fish develop the bones of the skul twist so that both eyes are on one side of the head. This side becomes the back of the mature flatfish and takes on a heavy pigmentation while the other, the ""blind"" side remains nearly white. Some species can change colour as they move from rocky to sandy ocean bottom and vice versa. ----- CentreTravel " "Il-ħut ċatt Il-ħut ċatt huma kklassifikati fl-ordni Pleuronectiformes. Huma verament ikollhom ""mibrumin"" korpi, għal dawn ħut tiżviluppa l-għadam ta 'l-twist skul sabiex iż-żewġ għajnejn huma fuq naħa waħda tal-kap. Din in-naħa isir id-dahar ta 'l-ħut ċatt maturi u jieħu fuq pigmentazzjoni tqil u l-oħra, il- ""għomja"" sekondarji tibqa kważi abjad. Xi speċijiet jistgħu bidla fil-...

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