
Showing posts from September 28, 2008


Homemade Sparkling Wines

"Homemade Sparkling Wines Sweet sparkling wines can be rather tricky for beginners and require fuller instructions. For dry sparkling wines, you should follow recipe for still wine, then add 2 raisins to each bottle before corking and wiring down at the final stage. Alternatively, when the fermented liquor is cold, add for each gallon 1/4 lb sugar and 1/2 pint cold water, boiled together then strained through muslin. Use strong wine bottles with hollow bases, and ""champagne"" corks. ----- CentreTravel Disclaimer: “CentreTravel assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this page. The information contained in this site is provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness…” Disclaimer: “This post contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.” " "H...

Homemade Turkish Delight

"Homemade Turkish Delight 1 pound sugar 1/4 pint cold water 1/4 warm water 1 oz powdered gelatine colouring and flavouring as desired sifted icing sugar six inch square tin Soften gelatine in the cold water. Put sugar into a thick saucepan, add warm water and over a very low heat, dissolve the sugar- do not allow to boil. When every grain has dissolved, add the softened gelatine and simmer the mixture without stirring for about thirty minutes. To test, dip a wooden spoon in the mixture, then using the thumb and the first finger, take a little of the liquid from the spoon, press the fingers together, then draw them apart and a thread should start to form but break almost immediately. Add whatever colouring and flavouring you like. Pour the mixture into the oiled tin and leave in a cool place to set. When the mixture is set, turn it on to a working surface dusted with icing sugar. Cut it into cubes and dust the pieces with icing sugar. ----- CentreTravel https://c...

Savoury Triangles - Breakfast

"Savoury Triangles - Breakfast 2 slices bread of your choice. Knob of butter 2 oz grated cheese 2 tsp. milk 2 oz lean ham 1/4 level teaspoon mustard powder. Toast bread, butter it and cut in half diagonally. Mix together, cheese, ham, mustard and milk. Spread mixture on triangles, covering toast completely. Grill until brown. 2 servings. About 400 calories a serving ----- CentreTravel Disclaimer: “CentreTravel assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this page. The information contained in this site is provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness…” Disclaimer: “This post contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.” " "Triangoli savory - Kolazzjon 2 flieli ħobż tal-għażla tiegħek. Pum tal-butir 2 oz Ä¡obon maħkuk 2 Tsp. ħalib 2 oz perżut dgħif ...

Milk when Slimming

"Milk when Slimming You should at least have one glass a day. Milk provides protein, vitamins, calcium and other essential minerals. When you drink milk, it kills your hunger. ----- CentreTravel Disclaimer: “CentreTravel assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this page. The information contained in this site is provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness…” Disclaimer: “This post contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.” " "Ħalib meta Tirqaq Inti għandek inqas ikollhom tazza kuljum. Ħalib jipprovdi proteini, vitamini, kalÄ‹ju u minerali essenzjali oħra. Meta int qed tixrob ħalib, li joqtol Ä¡uħ tiegħek. ----- CentreTravel Disclaimer: ""CentreTravel jassumi l-ebda responsabbiltà jew obbligu għal kwalunkwe ...

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