
Showing posts from March 25, 2008


Garlic Toast - starter

"Garlic Toast - starter Simply toast slices of country bread on the grill on both sides till golden, While hot rub one side with crushed garlic. Arrange toast on a serving plate, sprinkle some olive oil. Serve while still warm. A very good starter. ----- CentreTravel " "Tewm Toast - istarter Sempliċiment toast flieli tal-ħobż pajjiż fuq il-grill fuq iż-żewġ naħat sa deheb, Filwaqt togħrok sħun naħa waħda bit-tewm mgħaffeġ. Irranġa toast fuq pjanċa li jservu, sprinkle xi żejt taż-żebbuġa. Iservu waqt li jkunu għadhom sħun. Katalist tajba ħafna. ----- CentreTravel " "Knoblauch Toast - Starter Einfach Scheiben Landbrot bis golden auf beiden Seiten auf dem Grill rösten, Während heiß reiben einer Seite mit zerdrückten Knoblauch. Vereinbaren Sie Toast auf einem Teller, streuen Sie etwas Olivenöl. Servieren noch warm. Ein sehr guter Starter. ----- CentreTrave...

Cheese and bacon flan

"Cheese and bacon flan Pastry : 100 gr plain flour 40 gr butter About 3 tbs cold water. Filling: Bacon rashers, cut into small pieces. Sliced cheese. 2 eggs for an 6 inch bake tin 450 ml milk Tomatoes, sliced Roll out pastry to cover a six inch tin. Put cheese slices on the top of pastry case. Then put rashers of bacon. Top up with slices of tomatoes. In the meantime beat the eggs, milk and parsley. Put on top of pastry, and bake in oven, 200 F till firm. ----- CentreTravel " "Ġobon u bejken flan Għaġina: 100 gr dqiq plain butir 40 gr Madwar 3 TBS ilma kiesaħ. Mili: rashers Bacon, maqtugħin f'biċċiet żgħar. ġobon imqatta. 2 bajd għal 6 pulzier landa bake 450 ml tal-ħalib Tadam, imfellel Roll out għaġina biex tkopri landa sitt pulzier. Poġġi flieli ġobon fuq il-quċċata tal-każ għaġina. Mbagħad titqiegħed rashers ta bacon. Top up ma 'flieli tat-tadam. Fil-frattemp taħbit il-bajd, ħalib u tursin. ...

Cream of celery soup

"Cream of celery soup 1 head of celery, chopped 1 onion chopped 25 gr butter 25 gr flour some nutmeg 900 ml chicken stock 150 ml creamy milk 2 tbs soured milk 2 bacon rashers, cooked and finely chopped Combine celery, onion and butter, and cook for a few mins. Stir in flour, nutmeg then add stock. Puree' in a blender or food processor. Stir in milk and cream. Serve the soup garnished with the chopped bacon. ----- CentreTravel " "Krema tas-soppa karfus 1 kap tal-karfus, imqatta 1 basla mqatta butir 25 gr 25 gr dqiq xi noċemuskata 900 ml stokk tat-tiġieġ 150 ml tal-ħalib krema 2 TBS ħalib qarras 2 rashers bacon, imsajjar u mqatta 'b'mod fin Għaqqad karfus, basal u butir, u sajjar għal ftit minuti. Ħawwad fil-dqiq, Noċemuskata imbagħad żid istokk. Purejiet ""fi blender jew ikel proċessur. Ħawwad fil-ħalib u krema. Iservu l-soppa imżejjen bil-bacon mqatta. ----- CentreTravel https:/...

Cannelloni stuffed with cheese in tomato sauce

"Cannelloni stuffed with cheese in tomato sauce Serves 6. 200 gr flour salt 2 eggs For the sauce: 2 cloves garlic 2 tbs olive oil 500 gr ripe tomatoes, chopped 3 tbs chopped basil or parsley or both. For the filling: 300 gr ricotta 2 eggs 50 gr grated parmesan salt and pepper 4 tbs chopped parsley 250 gr mozzarella, diced 75 gr cooked ham, finely chopped Make the dough, roll out thinly and cut fourteen 10 x15 cm rectangles. To make sauce: Fry garlic in oil until golden , add tomatoes, simmer then add basil and parsley. To make filling: Mash the ricotta with the eggs. Add all ingredients for filling. Fill rectangles with tablespoons of filling. In a baking dish, spread spoonfuls of sauce in bottom of dish. Arrange the cannelloni in a single layer in dish. Top up with sauce, and sprinkle grated cheese on top. Bake in oven 180F for about 30 mins. Serve very hot. ----- CentreTravel " "Kannelloni mimli bil-...

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