
Showing posts from April 18, 2008


Ricotta, Fresh Fig and Parma Ham Filling for Puff Pastries

"Ricotta, Fresh Fig and Parma Ham Filling for Puff Pastries You need: 115 g ricotta cheese. A little caster sugar 4 slices Parma Ham 4 ripe fresh figs 2 heaped tsp black peppercorns, crushed 1 tsp fresh basil, chopped Olive oil. Preheat oven. Beat ricotta with the sugar. Halve Parma Ham slices and figs lengthwise. Wrap each half fig in a strip of ham. Divide ricotta cheese, and place the wrapped fig cut side up on cheese. ----- CentreTravel " "Rikotta, frisk Fig u Parma Ham Mili għall Għaġiniet Puff Ikollok bżonn: 115 g ġobon rikotta. A zokkor xandar ftit 4 flieli Parma Ham 4 tin frisk misjur 2 heaped Tsp bżar iswed, imfarrak 1 ħabaq Tsp friska, mqatta Żejt taż-żebbuġa. Preheat forn. Taħbit rikotta mal-zokkor. Tnaqqas bin-nofs flieli Parma Ham u tin mat-tul. Kebbeb kull nofs fig fi strixxa b'wisa 'ta' perżut. Iddividi ġobon rikotta, u poġġi l mgeżwra ġenb tat-tin maqtugħin ...

Baked Sausage meat, Leek and Nutmeg Pie

"Baked Sausage meat, Leek and Nutmeg Pie Serves 4. Yogurt Pastry. for the bottom of the flan tin. Ingredients for the filling: 675 g sausagemeat 2 teaspoons fresh resemary 1 egg beaten 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg 2 medium leeks, chopped into 2.5cm pieces, washed Preheat oven to 200C or 4oo F, Gas mark 6. Line an 18 cm deep loose-bottomed flan tin with a pastry, allowing excess pastry to hang over edge. Chill. Method for the filling: Blanch leeks. Spread half leeks in pastry case. Add half the beaten sausage meat and then the rest of the leeks. Sprinkle with nutmeg and rest of the eff. Brush pastry rim with beaten egg. Spread the opened pastry sheet to cover top. Glaze top with beaten egg. Bake for about 30 minutes till golden brown. ----- CentreTravel " "laħam moħmija Zalzett, Kurrat u Noċemuskata Pie Jservi 4. Jogurt għaġina. għall-qiegħ tal-landa flan. Ingredjenti għall-mili: 675 g sausagemea...

The "Give way"

The "Give way"

"The ""Give way"" A woman had been trying to pull out at a junction for some time. A large, rough-looking man got out of the van behind, came near the car and knocked on the window. ""Hey!"" he said pointing to the sign. ""It says GIVE WAY, not give up. ----- CentreTravel " "Il- ""Agħti mod"" Mara kienet ilha tipprova iġbed fi junction għal xi żmien. A kbar, mhux maħduma li tħares bniedem ltqajna barra mill-van lura, daħal ħdejn il-karozza u knocked fuq il- tieqa. ""Ħej!"" huwa qal li tipponta lejn is-sinjal. ""Hija tgħid jagħtu WAY, ma jagħtux up. ----- CentreTravel " "Die „Vorfahrt“ Eine Frau hatte versucht seit einiger Zeit an einer Kreuzung zu ziehen. Ein großer, grober aussehende Mann stand hinter aus dem Wagen, kam nahe dem Auto und klopfte an dem Fenster...

Clean Holiday

"Clean Holiday In Japan many people go on holiday with the express purpose of having a bath. At natural ""hot springs "" resorts, washing is a serious business involving a vigorous all-over scrub, often with a rough nylon towel. And that is before getting in the spring: the natural ""hot springs"" is for soaking in. ----- CentreTravel " "nadif Holiday Fil-Ġappun ħafna nies imorru fuq btala mal-għan speċifiku li jkun hemm banju. Fl ""taħraq molol"" naturali resorts, ħasil huwa negozju serja li jinvolvi vigoruż kollha-over Scrub, ħafna drabi bil-xugaman najlon mhux maħduma. U li huwa qabel ma jkollna fir-rebbiegħa: l naturali ""hot springs"" huwa għall tixrib. ----- CentreTravel " "sauber Urlaub In Japan gehen viele Menschen in den Urlaub mit dem ausdrücklichen Ziel, ein Bad zu haben. B...

Stuffed Boiled Globe Artichokes

"Stuffed Boiled Globe Artichokes For four artichokes. Filling: 4 olives chopped and stoned 1/2 cup breadcrumbs 2 tablespoonfuls chopped parsley 1 or 2 anchovies to taste (optional) some cloves 1 tablespoon olive oil Method: Beat the globe-artichokes, until they are sufficiently ""open"". Filling: Mix the breadcrumbs with 2 tablespoonfuls of chopped parsley, the garlic and the stoned olives. Add the anchovies and the olive oil. Mix well. Place the globe-artichokes in a deep pan, and put upright. Distribute about 2 tablespoons of filling amongst the leaves but mostly in the centre of the artichokes. Half fill saucepan with water, ( you can also steam them) cover tightly and boil until leaves, when pulled come off easily. When done, serve with some olive oil. ----- CentreTravel " "Mimli mgħolli Qaqoċċ Globe Għal erba 'qaqoċċ. Mili: 4 żebbuġ mqatta u stoned 1/2 frak tal-ħobż ta...

Stuffed Zucchini

"Stuffed Zucchini 1 large zucchini, per person. 200 g minced meat 1 onion grated cheese 1 tablespoon tomato paste some oil for frying 1 kilo potatoes 1 or 2 eggs Method: Cut the zucchini in two lengthwise. Scoop out the inside, mince and fry in oil. Add the chopped onion to the inside and also the minced meat, and lastly the tomato paste. Add some hot water and let simmer. When this is done, add the grated cheese and beaten egg or eggs. In an oven dish, peel the potatoes, cut in half and lay in bottom of dish. Add water to the dish, about 3 cm. Lay the halved zucchini on top of potatoes. Fill the zucchini with the mixture. Sprinkle some grated cheese and bake in a hot oven, till crispy . ----- CentreTravel " "mimli Zucchini 1 Zucchini kbar, kull persuna. 200 g ikkapuljat tal-laħam 1 basla ġobon maħkuk pejst tat-tadam 1 tablespoon xi żejt għall-qali 1 patata kilo 1 jew 2 bajd Metodu: ...

Octopus Stew

"Octopus Stew 1 small tender octopus 2 tablespoons raisins and nuts some olive oil 1 heaped tablespoon tomato paste 8 black olives 2 onions Method: Cut the octopus into small pieces. Fry the octopus lightly in the oil. when ready remove and put on a plate. Fry onion in the same pan, add the tomato paste and let simmer. Add the olives, nuts and raisins, and finally the octopus. Add a dash of wine and more hot water to make a sauce. When octopus is tender. The sauce is ready. Best served over spaghetti. ----- CentreTravel " "qarnit Stew 1 qarnit offerta żgħar 2 żbib imgħaref u ġewż xi żejt taż-żebbuġa 1 heaped pejst tat-tadam tablespoon 8 żebbuġ iswed 2 basal Metodu: Aqta 'l-qarnit f'biċċiet żgħar. Fry l qarnit ħafif fil-żejt. meta jkun lest tneħħi u mqiegħda fuq pjanċa. basla fry fl-istess pan, żid il-kunserva u let ttektek. Żid il-żebbuġ, ġewż u żbib, u finalment il-qarnit. Żid...

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