Ricotta, Fresh Fig and Parma Ham Filling for Puff Pastries
"Ricotta, Fresh Fig and Parma Ham Filling for Puff Pastries You need: 115 g ricotta cheese. A little caster sugar 4 slices Parma Ham 4 ripe fresh figs 2 heaped tsp black peppercorns, crushed 1 tsp fresh basil, chopped Olive oil. Preheat oven. Beat ricotta with the sugar. Halve Parma Ham slices and figs lengthwise. Wrap each half fig in a strip of ham. Divide ricotta cheese, and place the wrapped fig cut side up on cheese. ----- CentreTravel https://centretravel.blogspot.com " "Rikotta, frisk Fig u Parma Ham Mili għall Għaġiniet Puff Ikollok bżonn: 115 g ġobon rikotta. A zokkor xandar ftit 4 flieli Parma Ham 4 tin frisk misjur 2 heaped Tsp bżar iswed, imfarrak 1 ħabaq Tsp friska, mqatta Żejt taż-żebbuġa. Preheat forn. Taħbit rikotta mal-zokkor. Tnaqqas bin-nofs flieli Parma Ham u tin mat-tul. Kebbeb kull nofs fig fi strixxa b'wisa 'ta' perżut. Iddividi ġobon rikotta, u poġġi l mgeżwra ġenb tat-tin maqtugħin ...