Taking the grand bunker Our exciting vivid and evocative displays (generator room, gas filters room, first aid post, ammunition store, arms store, telephone operation room, radio transmission room and observation post with its range-finder which provides a panoramic view over the Channel within a 25 miles radius) will help you to relive History, the history of the people who had been waiting for the invasion for three years! You will also be able to see many interesting and unpublished photos and documents about the Atlantic Wall, the biggest building site of the 29 th century which employed over 2 million people. Interesting Feature: is the original landing craft fully restored for the movie "Saving private Ryan"LCM PA 30-31 was used by Steven Spielberg for his 5 Oscars famous movie. THE "GRAND BUNKER" AT OUISTREHAM A FANTASTIC SITE Located at a stones throw from the beach and the ferry terminal, the Atlantic Wall Museum is inside he old german headquarte...