
Showing posts from June 4, 2008


A few tips to reduce stress investments

"A few tips to reduce stress investments Your age always counts. Try to invest in common names. Do not expect to much. Plan on your budget, how much you can save regularly. Start as early as you can. Choose good investments. Take profits and cut your losses. ----- CentreTravel " "A ftit tips biex jnaqqsu l-investimenti istress età tiegħek dejjem jgħodd. Ipprova biex jinvestu fl-ismijiet komuni. Ma jistennewx li ħafna. Pjan dwar il-baġit tiegħek, kemm inti tista 'tiffranka regolarment. Jibdew kmieni kemm tista '. Agħżel investimenti tajba. Jieħdu l-profitti u tnaqqas it-telf tiegħek. ----- CentreTravel " "Ein paar Tipps Stress Investitionen zu reduzieren, Ihr Alter immer zählt. Versuchen Sie gemeinsam Namen zu investieren. Sie nicht zu viel erwarten. Planen Sie Ihr Budget, wie viel Sie regelmäßig speichern. Beginnen Sie so früh wie möglich....

Things to know about Colours.

What you should know about Colours

"What you should know about Colours As you know in the rainbow there are many colours: Blue: calms, cools and help intuition. Greens : are tranquil and refreshing. Yellow : stimulates the nervous system and encourages communciation. Orange : is fun, radiates warmth and stimulates activity. Red : reflects confidence. Purple : is uplifting, calms the mind and nerves. Brown: is stable. White : is pure and enables fresh beginnings Grey: is timeless, solid and practical. Black : evokes strong emotions. ----- CentreTravel " "X'għandek tkun taf dwar Kuluri Kif tafu fil-qawsalla hemm ħafna kuluri: Blu: calms, jibred u jgħinu intuwizzjoni. Ħodor: huma kwieta u iġjeniċi. Isfar: tistimula s-sistema nervuża u jinkoraġġixxi communciation. Oranġjo: huwa divertenti, radiates sħana u jistimula l-attività. Aħmar: tirrifletti kunfidenza. Vjola: huwa uplifting, calms-moħħ u n-nervituri. Kannella: huwa stabbli....

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