
Showing posts from March 21, 2008


The electric fish

The electric fish

"The electric fish The electric fish, the real name ""gymnotid"" belongs to the weakly electrogenic species that emit regular pulses of current from electric organs modified from muscle or nerve. Their stiff-spined posture enables such fish to detect objects in their environments as disturbances in the electrical field.   Special centres in the nervous system control the electric impulses but how is not yet known. ----- CentreTravel " "Il-ħut elettriku Il-ħut elettriku, l-isem reali ""gymnotid"" jappartjeni għall-ispeÄ‹i dgħajjef electrogenic li jarmu impulsi regolari ta 'kurrent minn organi elettriku modifikati minn muskolu jew fin-nervituri. pożizzjoni iebes-spined tagħhom tippermetti lil tali ħut li jikxfu oÄ¡Ä¡etti f'ambjenti tagħhom bħala tfixkil fil-kamp elettriku. Ä‹entri speÄ‹jali fis-sistema nervuża tikkontrolla l-impulsi elettriÄ‹i iżda kif għadu mhux magħruf. ----- CentreTrav...

Do not just cook or eat.

"Do not just cook or eat. What are these: These are fats and oils essential for a healthy heart and to develop our brain. What they do: Omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering triglyceride levels and blood pressure, by reducing blockages and lowering cholesterol. Who should take them: Everyone should include omega-3 fatty acids in their diet, especially people with a family history of heart disease or high blood pressure. Best of all is Fresh Fish. ----- CentreTravel " "Ma biss issajjar jew jieklu. Liema huma dawn: Dawn huma xaħmijiet u żjut essenzjali għal qalb b'saħħithom u biex jiżviluppaw moħħ tagħna. Dak li jagħmlu:-3 Omega aċidi grassi jitnaqqas ir-riskju ta 'mard tal-qalb billi jnaqqsu trigliċeridi livelli u pressjoni tad-demm, billi tnaqqas intoppi u tnaqqis tal-kolesterol. Min għandu teħodhom: Kulħadd għandu jinkludi omega-3 fatty acids fid-dieta tagħhom, speċjalment persuni b...

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