The Head of the Baleen Whale
"The Head of the Baleen Whale The head is enormous and about a third or a quarter of the animal's total length. Fringing each side of the mouth is a series of baleen PLATES which act as the food strainers. When feeding, the whale swims through swarms of krill(small, shrimp-like marine animals) and when sufficient have been trapped its dives, closes its mouth and swallows. ----- CentreTravel " "Il-Kap tal-balieni baleen Ir-ras hija enormi u madwar terz jew kwart ta 'tul totali ta' l-annimal. Fringing kull naħa tal-ħalq hija serje ta 'pjanċi baleen li jaġixxu bħala l-passaturi ikel. Meta jitimgħu, il-balieni swims permezz doqqajs ta 'krill (annimali tal-baħar żgħar, gambli simili) u meta biżżejjed ġew maqbuda ads tagħha, jagħlaq ħalq tagħha u tibla. ----- CentreTravel " "Der Leiter der baleenwal Der Kopf ist groß und etwa ein Drittel oder ein Viertel ...