
Showing posts from April 26, 2008


The Golden Eagle

"The Golden Eagle The golden eagle, like many large birds will soar out-stretched, unbeating wings if air currents rise faster than the bird loses height. ----- CentreTravel " "L-Ajkla tad-Deheb Il ajkla, bħal għasafar kbar ħafna se jogħlew ħafna barra stirati, ġwienaħ unbeating jekk arja kurrenti jikber b'rata aktar mgħaġġla mill-għasafar jitlef -għoli. ----- CentreTravel " "Der Golden Eagle Der Steinadler, wie viele große Vögel in die Höhe schnellen ausgestreckten, unbeating Flügel, wenn die Luftströme steigen schneller als der Vogel verliert Höhe. ----- CentreTravel " "金鹰 金鹰,像许多大型鸟类会飙升外伸, unbeating翼若气流上升比鸟失去更快 高度。 ----- CentreTravel " "El águila real El águila real, al igual que muchas aves de gran tamaño se elevará a cabo estira-, alas unbeating si las ...

The grey seal

"The grey seal Turbulent waters round North Atlantic rocks are the preferred habitat of the grey seal of the order Pinnipedia and the family Phocidae. Males grow to 3m long and females to 2.25m long. ----- CentreTravel " "Is-siġill griż ilmijiet ta 'taqlib tondi blat Atlantiku tat-Tramuntana huma l-ħabitat preferut tas-siġill griż ta l-ordni Pinnipedia u l-familja Phocidae. Irġiel jikber biex nisa 3m twil u biex 2.25m twil. ----- CentreTravel " "Die graue Dichtung Turbulente Gewässern rund um Nordatlantik Felsen sind der bevorzugte Lebensraum der grauen Siegel der Auftrag Pinnipedia und die Familie Phocidae. Männchen bis 3 m lang und Weibchen zu 2.25m lang wachsen. ----- CentreTravel " "灰色密封 汹涌的水域轮北大西洋岩石的灰海豹的栖息首选 顺序鳍脚目和家庭Phocidae。 男性长到3米长,女性对2.25米长。 ----- CentreTravel ...

The Porpoise

"The Porpoise The porpoise is grouped with the whales and dolphins in the order Cetacea. Both porpoises and dolphins are in the family Delphinidae. Porpoises can grow from 4 to 5 ft in length. ----- CentreTravel " "il Foċena Il foċeni hu raggruppat ma 'l-balieni u delfini fl-ordni Cetacea. Iż-żewġ foċeni u dniefel huma fil-familja Delphinidae. Foċeni jistgħu jikbru minn 4 sa 5 pied fit-tul. ----- CentreTravel " "der Schweinswal Der Schweinswal ist mit den Walen und Delfinen in der Ordnung Cetacea gruppiert. Beide Tümmler und Delfine sind in der Familie Delphinidae. Tümmler kann von 4 bis 5 Fuß in der Länge wachsen. ----- CentreTravel " "江豚 海豚与顺序的鲸类鲸鱼和海豚分组。 无论海豚和海豚在家庭海豚科。 海豚可以从长度为4至5英尺生长。 ----- CentreTravel " "la Marsopa El delfín se agrupa con las ballenas y ...

The Black-tailed deer

"The Black-tailed deer The Black-tailed deer have scent glands on their ankles. They use the glands, called tarsal organs for recognition. Members of a herd sniff one another's tarsal organs. Fawns recognize their mothers by similar ankle sniffing. When a stranger enters the herd's territory its smell betrays it at once. ----- CentreTravel " "Il ċriev Black-denbu Il ċriev iswed denbu għandhom glandoli riħa fuq għekiesi tagħhom. Dawn jużaw l-glandoli, imsejħa organi tarsal għar-rikonoxximent. Membri ta 'merħla sniff xulxin l-organi tarsal. Fawns jirrikonoxxu ommijiethom mill xamm għaksa simili. Meta barrani jidħol fit-territorju tal-merħla tal-riħa tiegħu betrays dan minnufih. ----- CentreTravel " "Der Black-tailed Hirsch Die Black-tailed Hirsche haben Duftdrüsen an den Knöcheln. Sie nutzen die Drüsen, Tarsalorgane für die Anerkennung genannt. Die ...

The Luzhniki Stadium

"The Luzhniki Stadium The Luzhniki Stadium, formerly known as the Grand Arena of the Central Lenin stadium, was inaugurated in 1956. Owned by FC Torpedo Moskva, it is the biggest sports arena in Russia with 84,745 covered seats. The capacity reached 103,000 when the Luzhniki sports complex staged the Olympic Games in 1980, but was reduced following renovation work between 1995 and 1997. ----- CentreTravel " "-Grawnd Luzhniki -Grawnd Luzhniki, magħrufa qabel bħala l-Arena Manja tal-istadium Lenin Ċentrali, kien inawgurat fl-1956. Proprjetà ta 'FC Torpedo Moskva, huwa l-akbar isports arena fir-Russja ma 84,745 koperti sedili. Il-kapaċità laħaq 103,000 meta l-isports Luzhniki kumpless fi stadji l-Logħob Olimpiku fl-1980, iżda naqas xogħol ta 'rinnovazzjoni li ġej bejn l-1995 u l-1997. ----- CentreTravel " "Das Luzhniki-Stadion Das Luzhniki-Stadion, frühe...

Ruby Pears - Dessert

"Ruby Pears - Dessert 159 g sugar 150 ml water 4 ripe dessert pears, peeled but stalks left on grated rind and juice of 1 lemon 4 cloves red food colouring Place sugar and water in a pot. Cook, stirring twice. Add the pears, lemon rind, lemon juice and cloves. Using a slotted spoon, carefully remove the pears and set aside. Add sufficient red food colouring to the syrup to produce a bright pink colour. Return the pears to the syrup until an even colour is achieved. Serve hot or cold with cream. ----- CentreTravel " "Ruby Lanġas - deżerta 159 g zokkor 150 ml ta 'ilma 4 lanġas tad-deżerta misjur, qxur, iżda zkuk tax-xellug fuq qoxra maħkuk u meraq tal-lumi 1 4 sinniet ikel kulur aħmar Poġġi zokkor u l-ilma fi pot. Kok, tħawwad darbtejn. Żid il-lanġas, qoxra tal-lumi, meraq tal-lumi u qronfol. Użu ta 'mgħarfa jaw, neħħi b'attenzjoni il-lanġas u mwarrba. Żid biżżejjed ikel kulur aħ...

Garlic Roast Beef

"Garlic Roast Beef Serves 4: 1.5 kg topside beef 3 cloves garlic salt and pepper Rub the beef with 1 garlic, salt and pepper. With a sharp knife, cut the remaining garlic cloves into slivers. Make incisions in the meat and insert the slivers of garlic. Place in oven bag, and cook in a preheated oven 325 F for about 2 hours. ----- CentreTravel " "Ċanga Tewm Ixwi Jservi 4: 1.5 kg ċanga dhar 3 sinniet tewm melħ u bżar Torokx is-ċanga ta '1 tewm, melħ u bżar. B'sikkina qawwija, jinqatgħu l-sinniet tewm fadal fis biċċiet irqaq. Jagħmlu inċiżjonijiet fl--laħam u daħħal l-biċċiet irqaq ta 'tewm. Poġġi fil-borża forn, u sajjar fil-forn imsaħħan minn qabel 325 F għal madwar 2 siegħat. ----- CentreTravel " "Knoblauch Roastbeef Zutaten für 4 Personen: 1,5 kg Oberseite Rindfleisch 3 Knoblauchzehen Salz und Pfeffer Reiben Sie das Rindfleisch mit 1 Kn...

Cheddar Puffs

"Cheddar Puffs 25 g butter, softened 5 tbs water 40 g plain flour, sifted 1 egg beaten 25 g Cheddar cheese, grated Place the butter, water in a large jug. Cook in microwave for about 2 mins till water is boiling. Remove from oven, quickly toss the flour and beat vigorously. Leave to cool, then gradually add the egg, beating until the mixture is thick and shiny. Stir in the cheese. Use two teaspoons, place small mounds of mixture on the oven base, lined with greaseproof paper. Cook for 6 to 8 mins until crisp, giving the paper a half-turn after 3 mins. Leave to cool. Makes about 35 to 45. ----- CentreTravel " "cheddar puffs 25 g butir, imrattab ilma 5 TBS 40 g dqiq plain, mgħarbula 1 tal-bajd imsawta 25 g ġobon Cheddar, maħkuk Poġġi l-butir, ilma buqar kbir. Cook fil microwave għal madwar 2 minuti till ilma jagħli. Neħħi mill-forn, malajr toss il-dqiq u taħbit vigoruż. Ħallih jiksaħ, imbagħ...

Granola - for breakfast

"Granola - for breakfast 2 tbs honey 1 tbs vegetable oil 100g rolled oats 2 tbs wheatgerm 25g hazelnuts, chopped 2 tbs desiccated coconut 25g stoned dates, chopped 25 g raisins To serve: 2-3 bananas, apples or oranges, peeled and chopped 150 ml natural yogurt. Put the honey and oil in a large bowl and cook in microwave for 1/2 min. Gently mix in the oats, wheatgerm, hazelnuts and coconut. Turn on a sheet of greaseproof paper, then carefully lift on to the oven base. Cook for 3 mins until lightly browned, stirring frequently. Granola continues to brown, so do not overcook. Add the dates and raisins, stir well. Leave to stand for 1 more minute. Divide the granola between 6 cereal bowls. Serve sprinkled over chopped banana, apple or orange. Top each portion with a little yogurt. ----- CentreTravel " "Granola - għall-kolazzjon għasel 2 TBS żejt veġetali 1 TBS 100g irrumblati ħafur wheatgerm ...

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