
Showing posts from September 6, 2019


Monastero S Maria Della Concolazione - Martano, Italy

Monastero S MariaDella Concolazione Via Borgagne Martano  73030 Tel:   0836 575214 E: W:

Regional Park of Gallipoli Cognato E Piccole Dolomiti Lucane - Basilicata, Italy

The Park protects an extensive area situated in the centre of the regional territory boasting naturalcharacterisitcs assets and a unique etno-anthropological heritage.   It has twolarge forests, the Gallipoli cognato forest and the montepiano forest, where magnificient trunks of age-old Turkey oaks alternate with fragrant lime trees, pear and apple trees, maples and aiders and the rare holly. The unusual green, hilly landscape is dominated bythe Lucanian Doloites, rocky mounains with charming and unique forms,   They rise up like peaks emerging out of the sea:  the "Aquia reale" (golden eagle, the " incudine (anvil) the "Grande madre" (great mother) the "civetta "(litte owl) names inspired by the sharp, jagged outlines.

Through gullies, gorges and grottoes - Basilicata, Italy

Beyond the dam of the Pertusillo, the river Agri drops down into a narrow valley, leaving behind it the lush greenery of the forests and the green fields, flowing through a spectacular gorge overlooked by two impressive towering rocks, and the scenery suddenly changes.   Weare now in the land of gullies, of hard, clayey and cracked terrain, with the occassionalsolitary oak to break up the horizontal lines of the landscape. Weare in the lands of Grottino di Roccanova, a PGI wine that extracts all the aromas and mysteries from these secret places.  We are at the foot of the Convent of S. Maria Orsileo, a jewel of a baroque art which renounces pretentiousness but not poetry here, creating and unforgettable spot, an ancestral reference to the deepest piety.  By now we have reached the southern limits of the park, where the Agri follows its coursre unti it plunges ontothe sandy shores of the Metapontino.

Hotel Acquaviva - Castrignano Del Capo, Italy

Hotel Acquaviva * * Via Quinto Ennio 124 Marina de Leuca Castrignano del Capo  73030 Tel:   0833 758611 Fax:  0833 758611 E: W:

Hotel Terminal - Castrignano Del Capo - Italy

Hotel Terminal * * * Via C Colombo 59 Marina Di Leuca Castrignano Del Capo73030 Tel:   0833 758242 Fax:  0833 758246 E: W:

B&B Prestige Di Mazzeo Antonio - Casarano., Italy

B&B Prestige Di Mazzeo Antonio Via Venezia 64 Casarano  73042 Cell:   349 5620308

B&B Marsala Di Protopapa Anna Rita - Casarano, Italy

B&B Marsala Di Protopapa Anna Rita C Da  Vendrisine Casarano  73042

Cons. Emmanuel - Lecce, Italy

Cons. Emmanuel Prov Le Lecce - Nevoli, 23 Lecce, 73100 E: W:

Bianco Mauro " Centro Storico" - Lecce, Italy

Bianco Mauro "Centro Storico" Via Andrea Vignes 2/B Lecce  73100 E: W:

Hotel San Giorgio - Vieste, Italy

Hotel San Giorgio * * Via Madonna Della Libera 41 Vieste 71019 Tel:   0884 708618 Fax:  0884708618 W:

Hotel Palme Gemelle - Vieste, Italy

Hotel Palme Gemelle * * Via Umbramare - SP 52 /Bis KM 4 Vieste 71019 Tel:   0884 706121 Fax:   0884 704686 E: W:

Sole Luna - San Giovanni Rotondo Italy

Sole Luna Via S Ciro 6 San Giovanni Rotondo. 71013 Tel:   0882 459586 Cell:  3687742419 E: W:

Villa S Croce 1 Affittacamere - San Giovanni Rotondo Italy

Villa S Croce 1 Affittacamere Via S Croce 21 San Giovanni Rotondo  71013 Tel:   0882 454782 W:

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