
Regional Park of Gallipoli Cognato E Piccole Dolomiti Lucane - Basilicata, Italy

The Park protects an extensive area situated in the centre of the regional territory boasting naturalcharacterisitcs assets and a unique etno-anthropological heritage.   It has twolarge forests, the Gallipoli cognato forest and the montepiano forest, where magnificient trunks of age-old Turkey oaks alternate with fragrant lime trees, pear and apple trees, maples and aiders and the rare holly.
The unusual green, hilly landscape is dominated bythe Lucanian Doloites, rocky mounains with charming and unique forms,   They rise up like peaks emerging out of the sea:  the "Aquia reale" (golden eagle, the " incudine (anvil) the "Grande madre" (great mother) the "civetta "(litte owl) names inspired by the sharp, jagged outlines.


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