
Showing posts from May 27, 2008


Parrot Family

"Parrot Family One of the wide-spread parrot family in the order Psittaciformes is the blue and yellow macaw. ----- CentreTravel " "Pappagall Familja Wieħed mill-familja Pappagall mifrux fil-Psittaciformes ordni hi blu u macaw isfar. ----- CentreTravel " "Parrot Familie Eine der weit verbreiteten Papageienfamilie in der Reihenfolge Psittaciformes ist die blaue und gelbe Ara. ----- CentreTravel " "鹦鹉家族 一个已经广泛使用的鹦鹉家族的顺序鹦鹉的是蓝色和 黄色的金刚鹦鹉。 ----- CentreTravel " "familia de los loros Una de la familia del loro de amplia difusión en el orden Psittaciformes es el azul y guacamayo amarillo. ----- CentreTravel " "तोता परिवार आदेश Psittaciformes में व्यापक प्रसार तोता परिवार में से एक नीले रंग की है और पीले एक प्रकार का तोता। -...

The Great Tinamou

"The Great Tinamou The Great Tinamou is found in South America, as are fifty species of the order. ----- CentreTravel " "Il Tinamou Gran Il Tinamou Gran jinstab fl-Amerika t'Isfel, kif huma ħamsin speċi ta 'l-ordni. ----- CentreTravel " "Die Großtinamu Die Großtinamu wird in Südamerika gefunden, als fünfzig Arten der Ordnung sind. ----- CentreTravel " "大䳍形目 大䳍形目在南美洲发现的,因为有五十种的顺序。 ----- CentreTravel " "La gallina de monte La gallina de monte se encuentra en América del Sur, al igual que cincuenta especies del orden. ----- CentreTravel " "ग्रेट Tinamou ग्रेट Tinamou, दक्षिण अमेरिका में पाया जाता है के रूप में आदेश के पचास प्रजातियां हैं। ----- CentreTravel " "في تنام كبير تم الع...

Snake Bodies

"Snake Bodies Snake bodies reflect different life-styles. While the horse-whip snake is built for speed on land the sea snake swims using an oar-like tail. The tree snake has keen eyesight but the burrowing blind snake is almost sightless. ----- CentreTravel " "Korpi Snake korpi Snake jirriflettu stili ta 'ħajja differenti. Filwaqt li l-serp żiemel-Whip hija mibnija għall-veloċità fuq l-art l-serp baħar swims użu ta ' -Oar bħal denb. L-serp siġra tkun vista ħerqana iżda l-serp għomja tħaffir hija kważi sightless. ----- CentreTravel " "Snake Bodies Snake Körper reflektieren unterschiedliche Lebensstile. Während die Pferdepeitsche Schlange für die Geschwindigkeit an Land schwimmt das Meer gebaut Schlange eines mit Ruder-wie Schwanz. Die Baumschlange hat scharfe Augen, aber die Wühlen blinde Schlange ist fast blind. ----- CentreTravel https://centretrav...

Devilled Chicken Wings

"Devilled Chicken Wings Preparation time : 5 minutes Total cooking time: 45 minutes Serves 4. 1/3 cup tomato sauce 2 tbsp French mustard 1 tbsp worcestershire sauce 2 tsp dried oregano leaves 1 onion, finely chopped 2 cloves garlic, crushed 12 chicken wings Preheat oven 210C. Combine tomato sauce, mustard, worcestershire sauce, oregano, onion and garlic in a large baking dish. Add chicken wings, stir until chicken is well coated. Bake for 45 minutes or until chicken is golden brown. Turn chicken occasionally and brush with mixture during cooking. ----- CentreTravel " "Chicken Wings Devilled ħin Preparazzjoni: 5 minuti Ħin totali tat-tisjir: 45 minuta Jservi 4. zalza tat-tadam 1/3 tazza 2 tbsp mustarda Franċiż 1 tbsp zalza Worcestershire 2 Tsp weraq ore imnixxef 1 basla, mqatta 'b'mod fin 2 sinniet tewm, imfarrak 12 ġwienaħ tiġieġ 210C Preheat forn. Għaqqad zalza tat-tadam, ...

Chicken Salad

"Chicken Salad Serves 4 2 chicken breasts 3 eggs breadcrumbs salt and pepper cooking oil 1 iceberg lettuce or bag of rucola handful of strawberries 1 apple 2 kiwis Parmesan shavings Balsamic vinegar Olive Oil Halve the chicken breasts to obtain 4 portions and trim off the fat. Crack the eggs in a bowl and beat them. In a seperate bowl, pour the breadcrumbs and season with salt and pepper. Take a portion of chicken, dip it in the egg and then transfer it to the bowl of breadcrumbs taking care to coat it all over. Transfer the chicken to a clean plate and repeat the rest. Pour some oil in a frying pan and fry the chicken on a low flame until it is cooked through, turning it over when golden. While the chicken is cooking, prepare a salad, using the lettuce, kiwis, apple and strawberries. Fruit must be peeled and sliced accordingly. Once the chicken is ready, slice it across into strips. Arrange individual salads in four plates, place ...

Aubergine Caviar

"Aubergine Caviar 2 aubergines 25ml olive oil 1 clove garlic 5 gr coriander Pierce aubergine with fork. Roast in the oven at 150C for about 30 to 40 minutes with the olive oil and garlic. Scoop the aubergine meat and blend with some coriander. ----- CentreTravel " "brunġiel Kavjar 2 brunġiel żejt taż-żebbuġa 25ml 1 sinna tewm kosbor 5 gr Ittaqqab brunġiel ma furketta. Ixwi fil-forn f'temperatura 150c għal madwar 30 sa 40 minuta bin-żejt taż-żebbuġa u tewm. Scoop l-laħam brunġiel u taħlit ma 'xi kosbor. ----- CentreTravel " "Aubergine Kaviar 2 Auberginen 25 ml Olivenöl 1 Knoblauchzehe 5 gr Koriander Pierce Auberginen mit einer Gabel. Braten im Ofen bei 150 ° C für etwa 30 bis 40 Minuten mit dem Olivenöl und Knoblauch. Scoop die Aubergine Fleisch und mischen mit etwas Koriander. ----- CentreTravel ...

Pan-fried duck with glazed pineappleand roast vegetables

"Pan-fried duck with glazed pineappleand roast vegetables 1 duck breast 1 tbsp olive oil 1 tbsp butter 20g pineapple 10g aubergine 10g zucchini 1 star anise 20ml jus In a hot pan seal the duck breast, skin side firtst until crispy. Turn the breast, season and cook in oven for a few minutes, depending on the breast thickness. Leave the rest aside. In a seperate pan fry the cored pineapple ring with butter and brown sugar and cook for about 10 minutes. Rub the vegetable wedges in olive oil, picked thyme and seasoning and roast for another 5 minutes. Reduce jus with star anise and pass through sieve. Serve by plating glazed pineapple in middle of plate, vegetables on the side of the ring, and the carved duck breast on the pineapple ring. Drizzle the reduced jus round the plate. ----- CentreTravel " "Pan-moqli papra bil-ħaxix mixwi pineappleand igglejżjat sider 1 papra 1 tbsp żejt taż-żebbuġa ...

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