
Showing posts from June 15, 2015


Apartment Corte dell'Abbazia - San Benefacio, Italy

Apartment Corte Dell' Abbazia Piazza San Benedetto San Bonafacio Tel;   045 7610233 Fax;  045 7613733 Email: Web:

Hotel Vendemme - Malscesine, Italy

Hotel Vendemme ** Loc. Vendemme, 5 Malcesine Tel:   045 7420244 Fax:  045 7420244

Priory Maze Gardens - Norfolk, UK

Priory Maze Gardens is one of the most natural enchanting gardens in Norfolk., where you can experience peaceful relaxation in natural gardens of woodland, water and meadow. The Gardens are set within 10 acres, and consist of various themes as well as the hedge maze, giving you the chance to lose yourself in the beauty of the gardens while being surrounded in the haven of numerous birds, insects and animals. Sit and watch the world go by taking in the backdrop od Beeston Bump Cliffs. Study the dragonflies flitting over the ponds and streams while listening to the tranquil sound of the many waterfalls about the garden. A visit to this friendly family-run concern is about the whole experience - beautiful gardens, fun maze, wonderful food, all mixed with an easy going attitude and ready smile. Open until October. Priory Maze & Gardens ltd., Cromer Road, Beeston Regis, Sheringham, Norfolk NR26 8SF Tel:   01263 822986

Fireworks - UK

Celebrate with fireworks. Whitelighting Pyrotechnics No 1 Showroom Open all year, by appointment. Elmside Emneth & Professional Display Team Firework Web: Tel:   01945 463857

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