
Showing posts from May 3, 2008


A nautical joke

"A nautical joke A yachtsman is sailing along when the boom knocks him on the head and he falls overboard. When he comes round, he's on a beach. The sand is dark red. He can't believe it. The sky is dark red. He walks around a bit and sees that there is dark red grass, dark red birds and dark red fruit on the dark red trees. He's shocked when he finds that his skin is starting to turn dark red too. ""Oh no!"" he cries, ""I've been marooned!"" ----- CentreTravel " "A Joke nawtiku A yachtsman hija jbaħħru tul meta l-isplużjoni knocks lilu fuq ir-ras u hu jaqa baħar. Meta huwa jgħaddi tondi, hu fuq bajja. -Ramel huwa aħmar skur. Huwa ma jistgħux jemmnu fiha. Il-sema hija aħmar skur. Hu mixjiet madwar ftit u jara li jkun hemm ħaxix aħmar skur, aħmar skur għasafar u frott aħmar skur fuq il-siġar aħmar skur. Hu ixxukkjat meta hu jsib li l-ġilda tiegħu qed t...

The reality of sailing - Smells

"The reality of sailing   - Smells Take six people who can only bring limited changes of clothes on board and place them in close confines of a yacht. Make them wear thick clothing and rubber boots. Add regular physical exercise to work up a sweat. Ensure the limited supply of water combined with the cramped confines of the heads or shower make them unwilling to wash. Prevent any airflow through the cabin by keeping hatches closed in case waves break over the boat. Feed them on bacon butties, beer and curry. Install a tiny toilet with yards of piping in which pongs can fester. It's no wonder that yachtsmen head for the showers before the bar after a few days. ----- CentreTravel " "Ir-realtà tat-tbaħħir - Irwejjaħ Ħu sitt persuni li jistgħu jġibu biss bidliet limitati ta 'ħwejjeġ abbord u jqegħdhom fil-qrib konfini ta 'yacht. Jagħmluhom jilbsu ħwejjeġ u gomma ħoxna stivali. Żid regolari fiżika eżerċizzju biex j...

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