
Showing posts from April 14, 2008


Farfalle Salmone

"Farfalle Salmone 200g smoked salmon 200g fresh salmon 1 onion, finely chopped 2 tbs butter 2 tbs olive oil fresh mint and basil Dash of vodka Caviar 200g ricotta, made cream 500g farfalle pasta Method: Soak salmon in vodka for about 10 mins. Heat butter and olive oil in a pan and add onion on a low heat. Drain salmon from the vodka, cook salmon . When done and ricotta cream, and mint and fresh basil. Toss the cooked pasta and mix with sauce. Garnish with Caviar ----- CentreTravel " "Farfalle Salmone 200g affumikat salamun 200g salamun frisk 1 basla, mqatta 'b'mod fin butir 2 TBS 2 TBS żejt taż-żebbuġa mint frisk u ħabaq Sing tal-vodka kavjar 200g rikotta, krema magħmula għaġin farfalle 500g Metodu: Xarrab salamun fil vodka għal madwar 10 minuti. butir sħana u żejt taż-żebbuġa fil-livell pan u żid basla fuq sħana baxxa. Ixxotta salamun mill-vodka, kok salamun. Meta...

What you should know about Caviar.

"What you should know about Caviar. Apart from being expensive, Caviar, is delicious and healthy. It is low in calories and fat, and one tablespoon has one gramme of omega-3 fatty acids. It has been proved to reduce the risk of heart disease. Just a spoonful supplies the daily requirement of vitamin B12. Caviar is best served with crackers and champagne or vodka. ----- CentreTravel " "X'għandek tkun taf dwar Kavjar. Apparti milli għaljin, Kavjar, huwa Delicious u b'saħħithom. Huwa baxx ta 'kaloriji u xaħam, u wieħed tablespoon għandha gramma waħda mill omega-3 fatty acids. Ġie ppruvat li jitnaqqas ir-riskju ta 'mard tal-qalb. Just kuċċarina provvisti-rekwiżit ta 'kuljum ta' vitamina B12. Kavjar ikun aħjar notifikata bid crackers u xampanja jew vodka. ----- CentreTravel " "Was Sie über Caviar wissen. Abgesehen davon, dass teuer, Kaviar, i...

What you should know about Cavier.

Seared Sesame Tuna

"Seared Sesame Tuna 4 tuna steaks 3 tbs sesame oil 3 tbs sesame seeds 1 tbs coarse black pepper 1/2 tbs rock salt Method: Mix the seeds, pepper and salt well and spread over a flat plate. Coat the fillet with oil and roll it over the combined seeds, pepper and salt. Coat the steak evenly. Barbecue till cooked. Serve with a nice fresh salad. ----- CentreTravel " "Tonn Ġulġlien seared 4 steaks tonn żejt tal-ġulġlien 3 TBS 3 żerriegħa tal-ġulġlien TBS bżar iswed 1 TBS oħxon melħ tal-blat 1/2 TBS Metodu: Ħallat l-żrieragħ, bżar u melħ tajjeb u mifruxa fuq pjanċa ċatta. Iksi l-flett biż-żejt u roll dan matul il-żrieragħ magħquda, bżar u melħ. Iksi l-steak indaqs. Barbecue till imsajjar. Iservu ma insalata friska sbieħ. ----- CentreTravel " "Seared Sesame Tuna 4 Thunfischsteaks 3 EL Sesamöl 3 EL Sesamsamen 1 Eßl grober schwarzer Pfeffer 1/2 Eß...

What you should know about TUNA

"What you should know about TUNA Tuna as you know can be found in tins, but you cannot compare to the fresh. The fresh tuna is found in warm waters like Atlantic, Pacific Indian and the Mediterranean Sea. The fish is an excellent source of high quality protein, rich in important nutrients. All these seem to have the ability to regulate and lower cholesterol levels in the blood, as well as improve the ratio of good and bad cholesterol. That is why fish is good for you. ----- CentreTravel " "X'għandek tkun taf dwar TONN Tonn kif tafu tista 'tinstab fil-laned, iżda inti ma tistax tqabbel lill-frisk. It-tonn frisk jinstab fl-ibħra sħan bħal Atlantiku, Indjan Paċifiku u l-Baħar Mediterran. Il-ħut huwa sors eċċellenti ta 'proteina ta' kwalità għolja, rikk bin-nutrijenti importanti. dawn kollha jidhru li jkollhom l-abbiltà li jirregola u livelli tal-kolesterol aktar baxxi fid-demm, kif ukoll titjieb i...

Chicken with cold curry dressing

"Chicken with cold curry dressing 600g chicken breasts 50g onions 1 tbs olive oil 1 tbs medium curry 1tbs tomato paste 150ml water 150ml red wine 1 bay leaf. Method: Cook chicken breast, fried or steamed. Peel and wash onion. In a saucepan, heat olive oil and cook onions. Add curry powder and tomato paste and cook for a few more minutes. Add other ingredients, water, bay leaf and wine. Cook the sauce until creamy. Cut chicken breasts into slices and place on a serving dish and spoon curry dressing on top. Serve with boiled potatoes and salad of your choice. ----- CentreTravel " "Tiġieġ bil-kesħa curry dressing sider tat-tiġieġa 600g 50g basal 1 TBS żejt taż-żebbuġa 1 TBS curry medju pejst tat-tadam 1tbs ilma 150ml inbid aħmar 150ml 1 bajja leaf. Metodu: Cook sider tat-tiġieġa, moqlija jew steamed. Qoxra u aħsel basla. Fi saucepan, żejt taż-żebbuġa sħana u sajjar basal. Żid trab tal-...

Fusilli with lampuki, olives and capers

"Fusilli with lampuki, olives and capers Serves 4. 400g fusilli 300g lampuki 40g black olives 3 cloves 400g cherry tomatoes 1/2 glass white wine chopped parsley some olive oil Method: Fillet the lampuka, chop into small pieces and put aside. Pour olive oil, add chopped garlic, capers and stoned olives. When golden add lampuka pieces and fry gently. Add white wine and cherry tomatoes. Cook for 3-4 mins. Cook fusilli and when ready. Serve with sauce. ----- CentreTravel " "Fusilli bil Lampuki, żebbuġ u kappar Jservi 4. 400g Fusilli 300g lampuki żebbuġ 40g iswed 3 sinniet cherry tomatoes 400g inbid tal-ħġieġ 1/2 abjad tursin mqatta xi żejt taż-żebbuġa Metodu: flett l-Lampuka, CHOP f'biċċiet żgħar u twarrab. Ferra żejt taż-żebbuġa, żid mqatta tewm, kappar u żebbuġ stoned. Meta deheb żid Lampuka biċċiet u fry bil-mod. Żid l-inbid u ċirasa tadam abjad. Cook għal 3-4 minuti. Cook Fusi...

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