The pilot whale
"The pilot whale The pilot whale or black fish is often seen in schools containing several hundreds. Itgrows to 8.5m in length and canweigh over 1000kg. It feeds mostly on squid. If frightened near a sloping shore a whale school may become stranded and die The three species of pilot whale are found in most oceans except the polar seas. They migrate between warm and cold waters depending on the season. Breeding takes place in warm waters. They have a life-span of about 50 years. . ----- CentreTravel " "-Balieni pilota Il balieni pilota jew ħut iswed huwa spiss meqjus fl-iskejjel li jkun fihom diversi mijiet. Itgrows li 8.5m fit-tul u canweigh fuq 1000kg. Hija feeds aktar fuq klamari. Jekk mbeżżgħin qrib ix-xatt immejjel skola balieni jistgħu jsiru stranded u jmutu It-tliet speċijiet ta 'balieni pilota jinstabu f'ħafna oċeani ħlief l-ibħra polari. Huma jemigraw bejn ibħra sħan u kiesħa skond l-i...