The population of Vigo makes upto 32% of the province of Pontevedra and 12% of Galicia as a whole. Vigo is officially home to just under 300,000 inhabitnts, although in reality, nearly half a million people live, work and study inthe city. As well as being the boggest city in Galicia, it has also seen more emigration than anyother throughout its history, in the past, hundreds of thouands of emigrants passed through the port of Vigo for the Americas. Nevertheless, many tens of thousands decided to stay, to help build the city, to make Vigo their own. Vigo is a veryyoung city, its charter of citizenship dates from 1810. although the most rapid period of urban and demographic development was during the 20th century, when its population increased twenty-fold. The city of Vigo covers some 110 km of rugged terrain, comprised of a ring of mountains whose valleys stretch down to the sea, Vigo borders the towns of Redondela, Mos, Porrino, Gondomar and Nigran, as w...