
Showing posts from May 24, 2009


Les Balad' anes De l'Hermeton - Belgium

"12 asino per i giri della durata di mezza giornata o di più giorni, con pernottamento in tenda o B & B. Inoltre dispone di un magnifico frutteto e mercato-giardino pieno di varietà vecchio stile di frutta e verdure con sapori quasi dimenticati. Vecchio stile fattoria con capre, oche e mucche. Lezioni di pesca disponibili. Les Balad'anes De l'Hermeton SAUTOUR Tel: +32 (0)" "12 donkey għall-karozzini dejjiema nofs-a-ġurnata jew diversi jiem, joqogħdu matul il-lejl fil-tinda jew B & B. Għandha wkoll ġnien magnífico u bbażati fuq is-ġnien sħiħ ta 'varjetajiet antikwata ta' frott u ħxejjex b'togħmiet kważi minsija. Antikwata irziezet bil mogħoż, wiżż u baqar. Sajd lezzjonijiet disponibbli. Les Balad'anes De l'Hermeton SAUTOUR Tel: +32 (0)" "12 donkey for rides ...

Les Balad' anes De l'Hermeton - Belgium

12 donkey for rides lasting half-a-day or several days, staying overnight in a tent or B&B. Also has a magnificent orchard and market-garden full of old-fashioned varieties of fruit and vegetables with almost-forgotten flavours. Old-fashioned farmyard with goats, geese and cows. Fishing lessons available. Les Balad'anes De l'Hermeton SAUTOUR Tel : +32 (0)


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Barbecued Fish Steaks

Cut about 3 pounds , 3/4 in thick salmon or tuna steaks into pieces. Place in a shallow dish. Cover with a mixture of juice of 1 lemon and 2-3 tablespoons salad oil. Chill 1/2 hour, turning once. Arrange fish in large squares of foil Brush well with hot barbecue sauce. Cook close to coals until golden brown (about 3 minutes) Please note : Cook fish quickly to prevent its drying. Brush with sauce, turn, cook other side and brush with sauce. Serves 8

Healthy Chilled Spinach Soup

Melt a knob of butter or margarine Blend 2 tablespoons of flour, Grated shallot (onion) Add 16 fluid ounces single cream gradually and cook , stirring constantly, until thickened. Add 1 packet frozen or fresh spinach. Cover and cook until spinach is tender. Chill thoroughly.

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