Fisherman's experience
"Fisherman’s experience After years of office work, I indulged my ambition to become a professional fisherman and began as a trawler deck-hand. On only my fourth trip, a huge wave washed me overboard, and my rescue was big news locally. It was with understandable trepidation that I ventured back to sea, but the day was uneventful until we reached the scene of the earlier drama. Here the skipper cut the engines and called in a deadpan voice from the wheelhouse, ""All right, mate, this is where you normally get off, isn't?"" Jason Downes ----- CentreTravel " "esperjenza Sajjieda Wara snin ta 'xogħol fl-uffiċċju, I indulged ambizzjoni tiegħi biex issir sajjied professjonali u beda bħala tkarkir gverta bl-idejn. Fuq biss raba vjaġġ tiegħi, mewġa enormi maħsul me baħar, u salvataġġ tiegħi kienet aħbarijiet kbar lokalment. Kien ma trepidation tinftiehem li I Schritt lura għall-baħar, iżda l-ġur...