
Showing posts from February 22, 2008


Fisherman's experience

"Fisherman’s experience After years of office work, I indulged my ambition to become a professional fisherman and began as a trawler deck-hand. On only my fourth trip, a huge wave washed me overboard, and my rescue was big news locally. It was with understandable trepidation that I ventured back to sea, but the day was uneventful until we reached the scene of the earlier drama. Here the skipper cut the engines and called in a deadpan voice from the wheelhouse, ""All right, mate, this is where you normally get off, isn't?"" Jason Downes ----- CentreTravel " "esperjenza Sajjieda Wara snin ta 'xogħol fl-uffiċċju, I indulged ambizzjoni tiegħi biex issir sajjied professjonali u beda bħala tkarkir gverta bl-idejn. Fuq biss raba vjaġġ tiegħi, mewġa enormi maħsul me baħar, u salvataġġ tiegħi kienet aħbarijiet kbar lokalment. Kien ma trepidation tinftiehem li I Schritt lura għall-baħar, iżda l-ġur...

Sleeping pill joke

"Sleeping pill joke A man had trouble getting up in the morning, so he asked his doctor to prescribe some pills. That night he took one, slept like a log and was wide awake before the alarm went off. He dressed slowly, had a leisurely breakfast, got to the office and told his boss, ""I feel great. I had no trouble getting up this morning."" ""Wonderful"", replied the boss. ""But where have you been for the last three days?"" Kriss Lee in Woman's World. ----- CentreTravel " "Irqad ċajta pillola Raġel kellhom problemi tqum fil- filgħodu, hekk hu talab lit-tabib tiegħu li jippreskrivu xi pilloli. Dak il-lejl huwa ħa waħda, slept bħal log u kien wiesa imqajjem qabel l-allarm marru off. huwa dressed bil-mod kellu kolazzjon leisurely, ltqajna lill-uffiċċju u qal imgħallem tiegħu, ""I jħossu kbira. I ma kellux problema tqum dalgħodu. "...

How I quit smoking

"How I quit smoking Well, I had starting smoking ,when I had started working. You feel very rich and modern ,when I was in my twenties. The whole story started that as the years go by, you start feeling the effects. At first you know CIGARETTES are not good for you. Besides not good for your health, you can never taste the food. You wake up coughing in the morning. If you are in the office or in a restaurant or even in your own house when you have children or old people you can only enjoy your CIGARETTE outdoors. CIGARETTES, are an expensive hobby. So, my friend and I just started our New Years resolution. From that day on it has been a big NO to smoking. I prefer to spend the money in better ways like travelling. ----- CentreTravel " "Kif I jieqfu jpejpu Well, I kien jibdew tipjip, meta kelli beda jaħdem. Tħossok ħafna sinjuri u moderna, meta I kien fil twenties tie...

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