
Showing posts from April 5, 2008


Mediterrean Omelette

Mediterrean Omelette

"Mediterrean Omelette Serves 2. Knob of butter 1 onion, chopped 1 small red pepper, cored, seeded and chopped 1 clove garlic 50 g mushrooms, sliced 2 tomatoes, skinned, seeded and chopped Omelette: 2 eggs ,beaten 3 tbs milk 1 tsp dried herbs some grated cheese Method: Place eggs,and all ingredients, except butter. Beat well then add mixture. Fry in butter. ----- CentreTravel " "Mediterran froġa Jservi 2. Pum tal-butir 1 basla, mqatta 1 bżar aħmar żgħar, mingħajr il-qalba, miżruha u mqatta 1 sinna tewm 50 g faqqiegħ, imfellel 2 tadam, imqaxxar, miżruha u mqatta froġa: 2 bajd, imsawta ħalib 3 TBS 1 ħxejjex aromatiċi Tsp xi ġobon maħkuk Metodu: bajd Post, u l-ingredjenti kollha, minbarra l-butir. Taħbit ukoll imbagħad żid it-taħlita. Fry fil butir. ----- CentreTravel " "Mediterrean Omelette Für 2 Personen. Stück Butter 1 Zwieb...

Smoked salmon with scrambled eggs

"Smoked salmon with scrambled eggs Serves 2. 2 eggs 2 tbs evaporated or double cream 2 large, thin slices smoked salmon lemon slices, to garnish Method: Place eggs, milk or cream in a bowl add salmon slices cut in pieces. Scramble the eggs with mixture. Serve with toasted bread. ----- CentreTravel " "salamun affumikat bil scrambled bajd Jservi 2. 2 bajd 2 TBS evaporat jew krema doppja 2 kbar, flieli rqaq salamun affumikat flieli lumi, garnish Metodu: bajd Post, ħalib jew krema fi skutella żid flieli salamun imqatta 'f'biċċiet. Ġirja il-bajd ma taħlita. Iservu mal-ħobż mixwi. ----- CentreTravel " "Geräucherter Lachs mit Rührei Für 2 Personen. 2 Eier 2 Eßl verdampfte oder Vollrahm 2 große, dünne Scheiben geräucherter Lachs Zitronenscheiben, zum Garnieren Zubereitung: Eier, Milch oder Sahne in einer Schüssel Lachsscheiben in Stücke geschnitten ...

Stuffed Mushrooms

"Stuffed Mushrooms 500 g medium sized mushrooms Batter mixture. Stuffing: 250 g pork mince grated onion grated fresh ginger 1 tbs dry sherry 2 tsp soy sauce 1 egg white 2 tsp cornflour Chopped stem of mushrooms Prepare batter mixture. Put all ingredients for filling in a bowl and mix well. Fill mushrooms with the filling. Coat mushrooms with the batter and deep fry till golden. Delicious served with steamed rice or fresh salad. ----- CentreTravel " "Faqqiegħ mimli 500 faqqiegħ g medju ta 'daqs taħlita batter. Mili: 250 g mince majjal basla maħkuk ġinġer frisk maħkuk 1 TBS sherry xott 2 Tsp soy sauce 1 abjad tal-bajd cornflour 2 Tsp zokk imqattgħin ta 'faqqiegħ Ipprepara taħlita batter. Poġġi l-ingredjenti kollha għall-mili fi skutella u ħawwad sewwa. Imla faqqiegħ mal-mili. faqqiegħ coat mal-batter u fry fond till deheb. Delicious notifikata bid-ross steamed jew ins...

The green turtle

"The green turtle The green turtle lives in tropical seas but has to go ashore on sandy beaches to lay its eggs. This turtle has a flat shell and limbs well adapted for swimming. It is valued as food. ----- CentreTravel " "L-fekruna aħdar -Fekruna aħdar jgħix fl-ibħra tropikali iżda jrid jinżlu l-art fuq xtajtiet ramlija ibidu l-bajd tagħha. Dan fekruna għandha qoxra ċatta u r-riġlejn adattati tajjeb għall-għawm. Huwa stmat bħala ikel. ----- CentreTravel " "Die grüne Schildkröte Die grüne Schildkröte lebt in tropischen Meeren, sondern hat sich an Land auf sandigen Stränden zu gehen, um ihre Eier zu legen. Diese Schildkröte hat eine flache Schale und Gliedmaßen gut zum Schwimmen geeignet. Es wird als Nahrungsmittel geschätzt. ----- CentreTravel " "绿海龟 绿海龟生活在热带海域,但有上岸的沙滩,奠定其鸡蛋。 此龟具有平坦的壳和四肢以及适于游泳。 它是有价值的食物。 ----- ...

The European green tree frog

"The  European green tree frog This frog has discs at the ends of its toes that enable it to grip slender branches ot the trees in which it lives. It is found throughout central Europe, southern Italy and eastwards to Asia. When frightened, or when the sky becomes overcast, it changes colour from bright green to grey. For this reason, some people keep a caged frog to forecast rain. ----- CentreTravel " "-Żrinġ Ewropea siġra ħadra Dan Żrinġ għandu diski fit-truf ta 'sieq tagħha li jippermettulu li qabda fergħat Slender ot-siġar fejn jgħix. Jinstab fl-Ewropa ċentrali, l-Italja tan-Nofsinhar u lejn il-lvant lejn l-Asja. Meta mbeżżgħin, jew meta l-sema isir overcast, tbiddel kulur minn aħdar jgħajjat ​​griż. Għal din ir-raġuni, xi nies iżommu Żrinġ fil-gaġeġ biex jitbassru xita. ----- CentreTravel " "Die Europäische Laubfrosch Dieser Frosch hat Scheiben an den Enden ...

Batter recipe for fruits or vegetables

"Batter recipe for fruits or vegetables 200 g plain flour 2 eggs 500 ml milk 100g (melted) margarine Method: Put flour in a bowl, make a hole in the centre, add eggs and liquid, mix well. If you are using fruit or vegetables: Method: Prepare vegetables or fruit, by cutting in slices or florets. Coat in batter mixture. You can fry in butter, or deep fry till golden. ----- CentreTravel " "riċetta batter għall-frott jew ħxejjex 200 g dqiq plain 2 bajd 500 ml tal-ħalib 100g (imdewweb) marġerina Metodu: Poġġi dqiq fi skutella, tagħmel toqba fiċ-ċentru, żid bajd u likwidu, ħawwad sewwa. Jekk qed tuża frott jew ħaxix: Metodu: Ipprepara ħxejjex jew frott, billi taqta flieli jew florets. Iksi fit-taħlita dqiq. Tista 'fry fil-butir, jew fry fond till tad-deheb. ----- CentreTravel " "Teigrezept für Obst oder Gemüse 200 g Mehl 2 Eier 500 ml Milch 100g (gesch...

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