For rent: Pedalo - Kayak - Motorboats with or without licence - Wake-board - Waterski Port de Chateau 1110 Morges T: 079 392 18 65 079 448 40 31
Oil Mill The handcraft oil mill of Severy is the only one, in Switzerland, which is active all year. The oil mill makes a line of traditional and local specialities like oils, vinegar, flavoured mustards and sauce. Free entrance. Open: Mon - Fri: 7.00 - 12.00 + 13.00 - 18.00 Sat: 8.00 - 12.00 + 13.00 - 16.00 Moulin- Huilerie de Severy, Famille Bovey Le Moulin, Severy T: 021 800 33 33
L'Isle, the charming village at the bottom of the Jura, is accessible with the BAM train from Morges. Admire "the little Versailles of Vauda" nicknamed done to its 17th C. castle. The Venoge, which has been immortalized in 1954 by the famous poet Jean Villars-Gilles has its source at the top of the village (follow the blue and white marking, main sources: Le Chauderon and the Le Puits).