
Showing posts from February 25, 2008


Important things to know about Olympic games

"Important things to know about Olympic games The first Greeks Games were held at Olympia in 776 B.C. At first there were only running races. Then more events were added, including Pentathlon. The word means ""five contests"". These were running, long jump, discus,javelin and wrestling. All sports, except running, took place to the sound of music - usually flute-playing. ----- CentreTravel " "affarijiet importanti li tkun taf dwar logħob Olimpiku L-ewwel Logħob Griegi kienu miżmuma fil Olympia fil 776 B.C. Fl-ewwel kien hemm biss running tiġrijiet. Imbagħad aktar avvenimenti ġew miżjuda, inkluż Pentathlon. Il kelma tfisser ""ħames kompetizzjonijiet"". Dawn kienu running, qabża fit-tul, diskussjoni, Javelin u lotta. isports kollha, ħlief running, seħħet għall-ħoss tal-mużika - normalment flawt-logħob. ----- CentreTravel " "Wichtige Di...

Milon- The Greek Superman

"Milon- The Greek Superman The Greeks treated Olympic winner as a hero. If he won three times a statue was made of him. A wrestler called Milon won the Olimpic title five times. The Greeks loved sport. They thought that if a man was good at athletics, it was a gift from the gods. Every four years they held sports at Olympia in Greece. The Greek Olympics lasted for five days. Only Greek men could take part - no women. The games began with a religious cermony. Winners of the sports were crowned with olive leaves. They believed that the sportsgrounds at Olympia were holy places. ----- CentreTravel " "Milon- Il Superman Griega Il-Griegi trattati Olimpiku rebbieħ bħala eroj. Jekk hu rebaħ tliet darbiet statwa kienet saret fuqu. A wrestler imsejjaħ Milon rebaħ it-titolu Olimpic ħames darbiet. Il-Griegi iħobb l-isport. Huma ħasbu li jekk raġel kienet tajba fil atletika, kien rigal mill-allat. Kull erba 'snin huma miżmuma...

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