
Showing posts from May 10, 2008


The Riflebird

"The Riflebird The magnificent Riflebird is an agile climber in its search for insects. It is sombre-looking until seen in the rays of New Guinea sun. ----- CentreTravel " "il Riflebird Il Riflebird magnífico huwa climber b'aġilità fit-tfittxija tagħha għall-insetti. Huwa pessimisti li tħares sakemm tidher fil-rays tas xemx New Guinea. ----- CentreTravel " "die Riflebird Die prächtige Riflebird ist ein agiler Kletterer bei der Suche nach Insekten. Es ist düster aussehende bis in den Strahlen der New Guinea Sonne gesehen. ----- CentreTravel " "该Riflebird 华丽的Riflebird是在寻求昆虫敏捷的登山者。 直到在新几内亚太阳的光芒看到它是暗淡的前瞻性。 ----- CentreTravel " "el Riflebird La magnífica Riflebird es un escalador ágil en su búsqueda de insectos. Es-sombre buscando hasta visto en los rayos de Nueva G...

The Palm Chat

"The Palm Chat The Palm Chat lives only on Hispaniola in the Caribbean, feeding on fruit and berries. It builds huge communal nests ----- CentreTravel " "Il-Palm Chat Il Chat Palm jgħix biss fuq Hispaniola fil-Karibew, għalf fuq frott u berries. Hija tibni bejtiet komunali enormi ----- CentreTravel " "Der Palm Chat Der Palm Chat lebt nur auf Hispaniola in der Karibik, auf Obst Fütterung und Beeren. Es baut riesige Gemeinschaftsnester ----- CentreTravel " "棕榈聊天 棕榈聊天只生活在伊斯帕尼奥拉岛在加勒比地区,对水果和浆果为食。 它建立庞大的公共巢穴 ----- CentreTravel " "La palma de Chat La palma de Chat sólo vive en La Española en el Caribe, se alimentan de frutas y bayas. Se construye grandes nidos comunales ----- CentreTravel " "पाम चैट पाम चैट केवल कैरेबियन...

The Cods and their Allies

"The Cods and their Allies The Cods and their Allies are , to man, the most economically significant of all fish. Congregating in vast shoals, they may reach weights of over 80 kg. The burbot is a freshwater species. All belong to the order Gadiformes. ----- CentreTravel " "Il CODs u Alleati tagħhom Il CODs u Alleati tagħhom huma, għall-bniedem, l-aktar ekonomikament sinifikanti ta 'ħut kollu. Congregating fil ġlejjeb vasti, ikunu jistgħu jaslu piżijiet ta 'aktar minn 80 kg. Il lota hija speċi ilma ħelu. Lkoll jappartjenu għall-ordni Gadiformes. ----- CentreTravel " "Die Dorsche und ihre Alliierten Die Dorsche und ihre Verbündeten sind, den Menschen, die wirtschaftlich bedeutendsten aller Fische. Congregating in riesigen Schwärmen, können sie Gewichte von über 80 kg erreichen. Die Quappe ist ein Süßwasserarten. Alle gehören zur Ordnung Gadiformes. ...


"Pupfish These three species of Pupfish live in the vestiges of Lake Lahontan in Nevada. These desert fish are the remains of a huge aquatic fauna. Equally rare is the Lahontan culthroat trout. ----- CentreTravel " "Pupfish Dawn it-tliet speċi ta 'Pupfish jgħixu fil-vestiges ta' Lake Lahontan fil Nevada. Dawn il-ħut deżert huma l-fdalijiet ta 'fawna akkwatiċi enormi. Bl-istess mod rari huwa l-trota culthroat Lahontan. ----- CentreTravel " "Pupfish Diese drei Arten von Pupfish leben in den Überresten des Sees Lahontan in Nevada. Diese Wüste Fische sind die Überreste einer riesigen Wasserfauna. Ebenso selten ist die Lahontan culthroat trout. ----- CentreTravel " "Pupfish 这三个品种Pupfish生活在湖Lahontan在内华达州的痕迹。 这些沙漠鱼是一个巨大的水生动物的遗体。 同样难得的是Lahontan culthroat鳟鱼。 ----- CentreTravel https://centretravel.blogs...

Kedgeree - Breakfast

"Kedgeree - Breakfast Remove the bones from a cold boiled haddock, break it into small flakes. One breakfastful of boiled whole rice, prepared as for curry. Two hard-boiled eggs, shelled and minced. A little salt(optional), and 1 tsp of dry mustard. Method: Melt butter, in a frying pan, add 1 tsp of anchovy sauce and mix with fork. Serve hot with a three-cornered croutons of bread neatly arranged round the dish, with sprigs of parsley in between each, and the sieved yolks of eggs strewn on top. Cold cod may be cooked in the same way. ----- CentreTravel " "Kedgeree - Breakfast Neħħi l-għadam minn mgħolli kiesaħ haddock, jitkisser fil qxur żgħar. Wieħed breakfastful ta 'ross kollu mgħolli, ippreparat kif għall curry. Żewġ iebes mgħolli bajd, qoxra u kapuljat. A ftit melħ (mhux obbligatorju), u 1 Tsp tal-mustarda xott. metodu: Dewweb butir, fil-livell pan qali, żid 1 Tsp ta 'zalza inċova u ħallat ...

Gnocchi di Ricotta

"Gnocchi di Ricotta 1/2 lb ricotta cheese 2 oz butter 4 tablespoons grated Parmesan 2 eggs 3 tablespoons flour pinch nutmeg Sieve the cream cheese, stir in the softened butter, Parmesan, eggs and flour. Season with salt and pepper and nutmeg. Form into gnocchi about the size of a cork, roll into flour. Poach them in gently boiling water for 8-10 minutes. Lift them out and drain them when they rise to the top of the pan. Serve them with butter and grated cheese. Easier to make if the mixture is left to set for several hours, or overnight, in the refrigerator. ----- CentreTravel " "Injokki di Ricotta ġobon rikotta lb 1/2 butir 2 oz 4 imgħaref maħkuk Parmesan 2 bajd 3 imgħaref dqiq noċemuskata niskata Għarbel il-ġobon krema, ħawwad fil-butir imrattab, Parmesan, bajd u dqiq. Staġun bil-melħ u bżar u noċemuskata. Formola fis injokki dwar id-daqs ta 'sufra, roll fi dqiq. Jużurpa minnhom f...

Gnocchi di Ricotta

What you should know about Ricotta

"What you should know about Ricotta Ricotta is a by-product of cheese, made from the whey, a watery milk residue. 30 g of ricotta , kj 185, cal 44. Ricotta is another cheese which must be eaten very fresh. With a little salt and ground pepper it has a lovely and counterfeit flavour. There are also salted and smoked versions of Ricotta.Fresh Ricotta should be consumed within twenty four hours. ----- CentreTravel " "X'għandek tkun taf dwar Ricotta Rikotta hija prodott sekondarju ta 'ġobon, magħmula mix-xorrox, fdal ħalib idemmgħu. 30 g ta 'rikotta, KJ 185, cal 44. Rikotta huwa ġobon ieħor li għandu jiġi jittiekel ħafna frisk. Bil-ftit melħ u bżar art li għandu togħma sabiħ u foloz. Verżjonijiet Hemm ukoll immellaħ u affumikat ta Ricotta.Fresh Ricotta għandhom jiġu kkunsmati fi żmien erbgħa u għoxrin siegħa. ----- CentreTravel " "Was Sie wissen sollt...

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