
Showing posts from May 5, 2011



Is-Servizz Nazzjonali tat-Trasfuzzjoni tad-Demm waqt li pubblikament jirringrazzja lill-ORGANIZZAZZJONI PUTTINU CARES tas-sapport li taghtih biex ikun hawn aktar gharfien ghall-bzonn tal-ghoti tad-demm, iheggeg lill-pubbliku biex waqt il-maratona li ser issir fi tmiem il-gimgha jaghti donazzjonijiet ta’ flus, waqt li dawk li huma f’sahhithom u jixtiequ jghinu aktar huma mhegga jaghtu d-demm ukoll.   Ghaldaqstant kull min irid jghin b’dan il-mod ukoll jista’ jmur:   fic-Centru ta’ Gwardamangia li jiftah mit-Tnejn sal-Hadd, mit-8am sas-6pm,   jew fic-Centru fl-Isptar Generali t’Ghawdex li jiftah mit-Tnejn sas-Sibt mit-8:30 am sal-11:30am.   Wiehed jista’ jaghti ukoll fil-mobile blood donation unit li nhar il-Hadd li gej, 8 ta’ Mejju ser ikun magenb ic-Centru Parrokkjali ta’ Hal Gharghur, mit-8:30 am sas-1:00 pm   Importanti li kull min jersaq biex jaghti d-demm jipprezenta l-karta tal-identita’

Battle of the Brothers next Friday 6th May

Have you got your tickets yet??   Only 3 days left for Battle of the Brothers this Friday 6th may at Busket Roadhouse,   Two popular local talents go head to head in aid for Puttinu Cares,   It will be nothing but Live music and great entertainment at only 5 euros.   Tickets at the following outlets:Fred Perry -   Valletta or Sliema, Papilla Hair Salon-Rabat, The Warehouse   Outlet-Attard and Pizz...e'-Mosta, Club Cut Paula. Ticket hotline   99613896   Also a limited number of tickets will be available at the door.   Thanks and see you on friday!!!  

The Belfry - Bethune, France

The belfry was a gift awarded to the people of Bethune for their loyalty to the Crown. It was originally built of wood in 1346 when it housed the town's bells and a prison cell. The belfry burned down twice  in 1346 and 21664 but was rebuilt both times. It was destroyed by bombing in 1918 leaving only the 16th century part intact. Today Bethune's centrepiece, and its bells still ring out every hour. Maison du tourisme 42/48 rue St. Pry, Bethune T:   00 33 (0)3 21 57 25 47 E: W:

Royal Motoring School -Attard, Malta

Latest cars with A/C, Manual or Automatic Door to door pick-up; Home or work etc Very, very patient instructors with 40 years of service and experience Special attention given to drivers who already have the licence and are afraid to drive alone and need a little more lessons to drive. Insurance and VAT included in the  price Tel:   7979 7272 - 7744 1111 Email: Royal Motoring School 5 triq iz-Zaghfran, Attard (Rabat Rd)

Vivre Et Savourer - Snacks Amiens, France

Vivre Et Savourer 11, rue Sire Firmin Leroux Amiens, France Tel:   03 22 72 89 65 Web:

Le Cottage Restaurant - Amiens, France

Le Cottage( French Cuisine) 385, avenue Louis Pasteur 80470 Dreuil-Les-Amiens France Email:

Salvagno Frantoio Per Olive - Verona, Italy

You are welcome for Visit and Tasting From Monday to Friday: 8.30-12.30 . 14.30 - 18.30          Saturday morning:  8.30 - 12.30 Gift Selection - Biological Line - Cosmetic Line Dal 1923 Salvagno Frantoio Per Olive Nesente, Verona, Italy Tel:  045 526046 Web:

Al Medina Restaurante - Seville, Spain

Al Medina Restaurante Cocina Marroqul San Roque, 13 Pza del Museo F-5 Tel and Fax:  954 21 54 51 Email: Web:

Dona Elvira Restaurante - Seville, Spain

Enjoy the best sevillana gastronomy amidst orange trees. Dona Elvira Restaurante Plaza de Dona Elvira, 6 D-6 (Barrio de Santa Cruz, Sevilla Tel:   954 21 54 83 Open:  12.00 am to 12.00 pm

Camping Al Boschetto - Cavallino Treporti, Italy

Camping Al Boschetto *** Via Delle Batterie, Cavillino Treporti, Italy Tel:   041 966145 Fax:  041 5301191 Email: Web:

Camping Europa - Cavallino Treporti, Italy

Camping Europa **** Via Fausta 332 Cavallino Treporti, Italy Tel:   041 968069 - 968261 Fax:  041 5370150 Email: Web:

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