
Showing posts from March 14, 2008


Zeppoli - the italian sweet

"Zeppoli - the italian sweet Ingredients for pastry: 75 gr plain flour, 50 gr margarine, 125 ml water and two eggs. For the filling : 400 gr rikotta, 2 tbs sugar, 1/4 tsp cinnamon, pinch of vanilla powder, grated rind of lemon, one tbs sherry or vermouth. For the cooking you need a deep firer. To decorate 2 tbs honey, some flaked almonds. Method: The pastry: In a pot put the water and margarine, on a moderate heat till it boils. Put pot away from the fire, add the flour while mixing. Let cool. When it cools, add eggs one at a time, preferably with a mixer. Put tbs of mixture in fryer till golden brown. Drain on paper towel. The filling: Mix rikotta and other ingredients till smooth. Slit pastry buns from the side, add a tbs rikotta mixture. Drizzle top with honey and some almonds. Delicious. ----- CentreTravel " "Zeppoli - il italian ħelu Ingredjenti għall-għaġina: 75 gr dqiq plain, 50 marġerina gr, 125 ml ilma u żewġ ...

The jumping mouse

"The jumping mouse A native of the cold scrublands of North America, the jumping mouse is related to the desert jerboas. Like them, it hops on its long and powerful hind legs. ----- CentreTravel " "Il-ġurdien jaqbeż A nattivi ta 'l-scrublands kiesaħ ta' North Amerika, il-ġurdien jaqbeż hija relatata mal-jerboas deżert. Bħal dawn, huwa ħops fuq saqajn ta 'wara twal u qawwija tiegħu. ----- CentreTravel " "Die Springmaus Ein Eingeborener von der kalten scrublands Nordamerikas ist die Springmaus in die Wüstenspringmäuse bezogen. Wie sie, hüpft sie auf ihren langen und kräftigen Hinterbeinen. ----- CentreTravel " "该跳鼠 北美的寒冷灌木土生土长的跳鼠是关系到沙漠把jerboas。和他们一样,它跳上其长而有力的后腿。 ----- CentreTravel " "El ratoncito Un nativo de los matorrales frías de América del Norte, el ratón de salto est...

The blue trunk fish

"The blue trunk fish Like the puffer fish, the blue trunk fish has its own way to defend itself. The body of the trunk fish is encased in solid bony armour while the puffer fish can inflate itself into a ball shape when danger threatens. ----- CentreTravel " "Il-ħut tronk blu Bħall-ħut Puffer, il-ħut tronk blu mod tiegħu biex tiddefendi ruħha. Il-korp tal-ħut zokk hija magħluqa Armor bony solidi filwaqt li l-ħut Puffer jistgħu jintefħu ruħha forma ta 'ballun meta periklu thedded. ----- CentreTravel " "Der blaue Stamm Fisch Wie der Kugelfisch, hat der blaue Stamm Fisch seine eigene Art und Weise, sich zu verteidigen. Der Körper des Rumpfes Fisch in fester knöcherne Rüstung umhüllt, während die Kugelfische sich in eine Kugelform aufblasen kann, wenn Gefahr droht. ----- CentreTravel " "蓝色行李箱鱼 像河豚鱼,蓝色行李箱鱼都有自己的方式来保护自己。躯干鱼的身体在固体骨装甲被装...

The common frog

"The common frog The common frog uses its lungs skin and buccal cavity for breathing. By means of the hyoid bone, which lowers the cavity floor, air is drawn through the nostrils. The frog's eyes are set high on the head for improved vision. The tongue is used to catch food. The heart, typically amphibian, has two atria and one ventricle. The eardrum is visible superficially. ----- CentreTravel " "-Żrinġ komuni -Żrinġ komuni tuża pulmun ġilda tagħha u kavità tal-ħalq għall-nifs. Permezz tal-għadam hyoid, li jbaxxi l-art kavità, l-arja tinġibed permezz tal-imnifsejn. għajnejn l-Żrinġ huma stabbiliti għolja fuq ir-ras għall-viżjoni mtejba. L-ilsien huwa użat għall-qbid ikel. Il-qalb, tipikament amfibju, għandha żewġ Atria u ventrikolu wieħed. Il eardrum hija viżibbli superfiċjalment. ----- CentreTravel " "Der gemeinsame Frosch Der gemeinsame Frosch nutzt seine Lungen Haut und Mu...

Fish pie

"Fish pie The fish pie I made I used cod, but any white fish will do. Ingredients are as follows: 450 gm/1 lb cod 2 tbs water 25gm/1oz butter 25gm/ 1 oz flour 300ml/1/2 pint hot milk 2 hard-boiled eggs, chopped 100 gm/4oz cooked peas some salt and pepper I do not use pastry for this pie, but I use creamed potatoes. Method. Place the fish in a shallow pan with the water. Cook on low heat till the fish flakes. After clean fish from the bones and skin, and leave on a plate. In the pan put the butter. When it melts gradually add the flour and milk stirring all the time till it thickens. Then add the chopped eggs, flaked fish and the peas also salt and pepper to taste, blending well. Line a serving dish with the creamed potatoes. Spoon the fish mixture into the centre. Brown under a hot grill. I like to serve a fresh salad. Serves 4. ----- CentreTravel " "pie ħut -Torta ħut I magħmula I użati merluzz, iżda kwalunkwe...

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