
Showing posts from March 18, 2008


Tagliatelle with mushroom sauce

"Tagliatelle with mushroom sauce Ingredients : 225 gr bacon derinded and chopped 100 gr mushrooms, sliced 25 gr flour 300 ml milk freshly ground pepper 350 gr tagliatelle verdi Method: With a Knob of butter fry bacon, then add the mushrooms, add the flour and gradually add the milk, whilst stirring till thickened.. Boil the pasta till the required time. When cooked put into serving plates and spoon sauce over pasta. It is a very healthy dish as it has vegetables. So it is a very balanced meal. ----- CentreTravel " "Tagliatelle ma zalza faqqiegħ Ingredjenti: bejken 225 gr derinded u mqatta 100 gr faqqiegħ, imfellel 25 gr dqiq 300 ml tal-ħalib bżar friska art 350 gr tagliatelle Verdi Metodu: Bil-pum tal bejken fry butir, imbagħad żid il-faqqiegħ, żid il-dqiq u gradwalment żid il-ħalib, filwaqt li tħawwad till magħqud .. Għalli l-għaġin sa l-ħin meħtieġ. Meta imsajjar jitqiegħed fis pjanċi li jservu u kuċċarina ...

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