The Narwhale
"The Narwhale The Narwhale is found in Arctic seas. It reaches a length of 3.6 to 5 m. The distinctive tusk can grow to 2.8m in length. It is generally found only in the male and develops from the left tooth of a pair in the upper jaw. The function of the tusk is not known. Narwhales feed on fish and squid. ----- CentreTravel Disclaimer: “CentreTravel assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content of this page. The information contained in this site is provided on an “as is” basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness…” Disclaimer: “This post contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.” " "il Narwhale Il Narwhale jinstab fl-ibħra tal-Artiku. Jilħaq tul ta '3.6-5 m. Il-tusk distintiva jistgħu jikbru sa 2.8m fit-tul. Huwa ġeneralment jinsab biss fil-irġiel u tiżviluppa mill-snie...