
Showing posts from April 23, 2017


Markets dei Prodotti Biological in Piazza - Brescia, Italy

Programme 2017 12 February     Piazza Vittoria 19 March         Piazza Vittoria  9 April          Largo Formentone 14 May          Largo Formentone 10 September  Piazza Vittoria 8 October       Largo Formentone 12 November  Piazza Vittoria 10 December  Piazza Vittoria Open;  9.30 to 19.00 Web: F /MeglioBio

Museo monastero Domenicano "Matris Domini" - Bergamo, Italy

At this museum you find:     "Visitazione"  Affreschi XIV sec  (Particolare) "S. Domenico" Affreschi XIV sec ( Particolare) "Ultima Cena"  Affreschi X111sec (Particolare) "Angelo"          Affreschi XIV sec (Particolare) "Gesu in Croce tra Maria e Giovanni"  Affreschi XIV sec  (Particolare) "Madonna col Bambino"  Vetrina XIV sec (Particolare) "San Pietro martire"  Vetrina XIV sec (Particolare) "Apparizione di Cristo risoto alla Madre" Affreschi XIV sec (Particolare) "Madonna in trono" Affreschi XIV sec (Particolare) "SS Giovanni Battista e Giacomo"  Affreschi XIV sec (Particolare) "Cristo in Croce tra Maria e San Giovanni" Affreschi  XXIII sec (Particolare) Open:  Saturday  15.30 - 11.15            Sunday       9.00 - 11.15 Monastero Matris Domini Via A Locatelli n 77 24121 Bergamo, Italy Tel:   035 3884811 Fax: ...

B&B La Casa Della Zia - Sarnico, Bergamo, Italy

B&B La Casa Della  Zia Via Lucia Piccinelli 9 Sarnico,  BG Tel:   +39 334 2903079 W:

Pierre-Days Inn - South Dakota, USA

Pierre -Days Inn 520 W Sioux Blvd, Pierre  SD 57501 Tel;   (605) 224 0411 W:

Spartanburg - Days Inn - South Carolina, USA

Spartanburg - Days Inn Downtown 578  N Church St Spartanburg  SC 29303 Tel:  (864) 585 4311 Web:

Spartanburg - Days Inn - South Carolina, USA

Spartanburg - Days Inn 1-85 Exit 75 115 Rogers Commerce Blvd Spartanburg  SC 29316 Tel:  (864) 814 0560 W:   www,

Seneca - Days Inn - South Carolina, USA

Seneca - Days Inn 11015 Radio Station Rd, Seneca SC 29678 Tel:  (864) 885 0710 Web:

Chateau d' Angles - Saint-Pierre-La-Mer, France

Appellation:  AOP Languedoc la Clape Agriculture  raisonee' Chateau d' Angles Saint-Pierre-La-Mer Eric Fabre Tel:   04 68 33 61 33 E: W:

Restaurant La Distillerie - Saint-Marcel-sur-Aude, France

Poached egg, duxelle of morels, farmhouse snails cooked in milk, milky snail foam, crispy smoked bacon - Raw and cooked heirloom vegetables, vanilla shortbread, yellow pumpkin puree', horseradish, beetroot, carrot purple vitelotte potato and baby salad leaves Restaurant La Distillerie 3, Chemin des Cooperatives Saint-Marcel-Sur-Aude Thomas Ratabouil Tel;   04 68 33 56 E: W:

Cellier des Demoiselles - Saint- Laurent De-la-Cabrerisse, France

Appellations: AOP Corbieres, AOP Corbieres Boutenac Agriculture traditionelle Cellier des Demoiselles 5 Rue de la Cave Saint-Laurent De-La-Cabrerisse Tel:   04 68 44 02 73 E: W:

Agriturismo "La Cascina dei Prati" - Bergamo, Italy

Ristorazione - Alloggi -Didatitica Agriturismo "La Cascina dei Prati" Via del Dossi, 23 24060 Credaro (BG) Tel:     035 927325  Cell;  347 5036364 E: W:

Cantina Lantieri - Sarnico, Bergamo, Italy

Cantina Lantieri Via Lantieri, 53 24067 Sarnico, BG Tel:   035 0145512 E:

B&B Gledizia - Credaro, BG Italy

B&B Gledizia Via Pietra di Credaro, 27 24060 Credaro BG Tel;   035 935595 Cell: 338 1031979 E:

B&B Osteria Curtie - Tavernola, Italy

B&B Osteria Curtie Via Chiesa S Michele 11 Fraz Cambianica Tavernola, Brescia Vista lago do Capoferri Cateria Tel;   035 931000

B&B Vegan La Rocca - Sarnico, Italy

B&B Vegan La Rocca Via Rocca 8 24067 Sarnico, Bergamo E: W:

Ristorante Pizzeria "Leon d' Or" - Iseo, Italy

Ristorante Pizzeria "Leon d' Or" Largo Dante 2 25049 Iseo Tel e Fax;  030 981233 E: Closed Tuesday

Museo Mille Miglia - Brescia, Italy

1927  - 1957   Cars, Customs and Curiosities 30 Years of Faces, Engines, Dust and Emotions The Monastery of Sant' Eufemia della Fonte, built in AD 1008 is now the shrine to one of the most fascinating races in the world:  the Mille Miglia. Thjs is the perfect monument to preserve the history and relive the myth, living again the emotions which have now become a legend. A Great Collection of past items. Legendary Cars That Made History Along the Museum pathway you will be able to admire the most beautiful veteran cars that took in the Mille Miglia race from 1727 - 1957.  All cars exhibited are perfectly pre served or restored and even today they take part in the most important evocative races in the world. An Interactive Pathway of A Thousand Miles Along the pathway, audiovisual computer stations are installed where you can experience the race emotions through heroes' comments, exciting films and images of the period. A dedicated area for movies will ...

Antonioli - Brescia, Italy

1, 780 mt Antonioli Mortirolo Brescia Tel:   338 7825951 Web:

Alpini Di Campovecchio - Brescia, Italy

1,130 mt Alpini Di Campovecchio Valle di Campovecchio Brescia Tel:  0364 74108 Web:

Almici - Brescia, Italy

1, 865 mt Almici Monte Guglielmo, Zone Brescia Tel:   339 8255153 Web:

Alla Cascata - Brescia, Italy

1, 480 mt Alla Cascata Via Paghera, Vezza d'Oglio Tel:   329 6338406

Van Horn- Days Inn - Texas, USA

Van Horn -Days Inn 1-10 Ex 140b 600 E Broadway Van Horn  TX 79855 Tel: ( 432) 283 1007 Web:

Tyler - Days Inn & Suites - Texas, USA

Tyler - Days Inn & Suites 1-20 Exit 556  S  Hwy 69 Loop 323 2739 W Northwest Loop 323 Tyler  TX 75702 Tel:   (409) 296 2868 Web:

Winnie - Days Inn & Suites - Texas, USA

Winnie- Days Inn 7 Suites 14932 FM 1663 Rd Winnie  TX 77665 Tel:  (409) 491 0300 Web:

Lunagallerian - Sweden

Lunagallerian is located in the heart of Sodertajle with entrances from both Nygatan and Storgatan. With its three floors, the mall has a wide range of shops and services, restaurants, arts centre and gym, there is something for all tastes. The mall is also home to Sweden's only tied statue, the fountain sculpture " Dafne" by Helga Henschen. Lunagallerian was built in the 1970s and is currently undergoing extensive refurbishment and modernisation. Open:   Monday - Friday - 10.00 - 19.00                          Saturday-   10.00 - 16.00                            Sunday-   11.00 - 16.00 Apotek                                                     Konditori             ...

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