
Showing posts from April 8, 2008


Spaghetti Bolognese

"Spaghetti  Bolognese 375g lean ground beef 1 onion chopped 1 garlic colve, crushed 1 finely chopped carrot 796ml diced tomatoes 750ml water Tomato paste 225 g spaghetti Method: Brown ground beef with onion and garlic Add remaining ingredients and bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer, uncovered for about 20 mins Cook spaghetti and drain well. Serve meat sauce over cooked spaghetti. ----- CentreTravel " "spagetti Bolognese 375g ċanga art dgħif 1 basla mqatta 1 colve tewm, imfarrak 1 zunnarija mqatta 'b'mod fin tadam diced 796ml ilma 750ml kunserva tat-tadam 225 g spagetti Metodu: Brown ċanga art ma 'basla u tewm Żid l-ingredjenti li jifdal u jġibu għalli. Naqqas is-sħana u simmer, mikxufa għal madwar 20 minuti spagetti kok u drain ukoll. Iservu zalza laħam fuq spagetti imsajjar. ----- CentreTravel " "Spaghetti Bolognese ...

Barbecued veal

"Barbecued veal Veal fillet olive oil fresh rosemary 2 crushed cloves Method: Marinate the veal in oil, rosemary and refrigerate overnight. Before barbecuing, heat some oil and seal veal in frying pan, on high heat. Barbecue fillet for about eight minutes. Once done and carved, sprinkle with a pinch of rock salt. ----- CentreTravel " "vitella barbecued flett vitella żejt taż-żebbuġa klin frisk 2 sinniet imfarrak Metodu: Marinate l-vitella fiż-żejt, klin u matul il-lejl fil-friġġ. Qabel barbecuing, sħana xi żejt u siġill vitella fl qali pan, fuq sħana għolja. flett barbecue għal madwar tmien minuti. Ladarba jsir u minquxin, sprinkle ma niskata ta 'melħ tal-blat. ----- CentreTravel " "Gegrillter Kalbfleisch Kalbsfilet Olivenöl frischer Rosmarin 2 zerdrückt Nelken Methode: Marinieren das Kalbfleisch in Öl, Rosmarin und über Nacht im Kühlschra...

Smooth skin - mask method

"Smooth skin - mask method 1. Take about six uncoated aspirin pills, and break them. Place these in a sterilized jar. 2. Add about five drops of hot water and dissolve aspirin until it becomes a thick white paste. 3. Spread on body parts and leave for five or six minutes. 4. Rinse and dry skin. Apply your toner and night cream. ----- CentreTravel " "Smooth-ġilda - metodu maskra 1. Ħu madwar sitt pilloli aspirina mhux miksija, u taqsamhom. Poġġi dawn fil-vażett sterilizzati. 2. Żid madwar ħames qatriet ta 'ilma sħun u ħoll aspirina sakemm isir pasta abjad oħxon. 3. Ifrex fuq partijiet tal-ġisem u ħalli għal ħames jew sitt minuti. 4. Laħlaħ u ġilda xotta. Applika linka tiegħek u krema lejl. ----- CentreTravel " "Glatte Haut - Maskenverfahren 1. Nehmen Sie etwa sechs unbeschichteten Aspirin Pillen, und brechen sie. Legen Sie diese in einem sterilisierten Glas. 2. ...

How to use self-tanner on your face

There are four steps you should follow:

How to use self-tanner on your face

"How to use self-tanner on your face There are four steps you should follow: 1. Pull hair back, before you start. Prepare skin by gently cleansing and exfoliating. Skip moisturizer, which may interfere with the tanner. 2. Apply under eye cream, if you want the colour of your skin to be lighter under the eyes, it makes you look younger. 3. Blend a few drops of self-tanner and equal parts moisturizer in the palm of your hand then apply over face and neck. You only want to go one shade darker than your natural colour. 4. Let colour develop for three hours then follow up with a sweep of bronze on forehead, cheeks and nose -areas where the sun naturally shines. ----- CentreTravel " "Kif għandek tuża awto-Tanner fuq wiċċ tiegħek Hemm erba 'passi għandek issegwi: 1. xagħar Iġbed lura, qabel tibda. Ipprepara ġilda billi b'ġentilezza tindif u exfoliating. Aqbeż moisturizer, li jista 'jinterferixxi mal-Tann...

A MUST when on holiday in Malta

"A MUST when on holiday in Malta Malta's epic Great Siege in The Knights of Malta 1565. This stage spectacle portrays the epic story of the Great Siege of Malta 1565. When all of Europe's eyes were on our tiny island. The Knights of Malta takes the audience back to one of the most remarkable years in the island's history. Live horses, flaming fire, loud musketry, raging warriors, shrieks of terror and aggression, and a world of mayhem. A show you should not miss while on a visit in Malta. ----- CentreTravel " "A GĦANDU meta fuq btala f'Malta epika Assedju ta 'Malta fl-Kavallieri ta' Malta 1565. Dan spettaklu istadju portrays l-istorja epika ta 'l-Assedju l-Kbir ta' Malta 1565 Meta kollha ta ' għajnejn Ewropa kienu fuq gżira ċkejkna tagħna. Il-Kavallieri ta 'Malta jieħu l-udjenza lura għal waħda mis-snin aktar notevoli fl-istorja tal-gżira. Żwiemel ħajjin, fjamma tan-nar...

Roasted lamb fillet

"Roasted lamb fillet 400g lamb fillet Meat glaze. Carrot puree': 100g chopped carrots 1 tsp sugar 1 tbs butter. Crumble : 200g breadcrumbs 1 tsp mild curry 1 tbs semolina Method: Roll the lamb fillets in the crumble, pan-fry and roast. For the puree': Boil the carrots in a pan in just enough water to cover. When soft pass through a sieve or blender. When roast is ready, pour puree' on lamb and serve with mashed potatoes. ----- CentreTravel " "flett ħaruf inkaljat 400g ħaruf flett glaze laħam. purejiet zunnarija "": 100g mqatta karrotti zokkor 1 Tsp 1. butir TBS. Crumble: 200g frak tal-ħobż 1 curry Tsp ħafif smid 1 TBS Metodu: Irrombla l-flettijiet ħaruf fil-crumble, pan-fry u ixwi. Għall-purejiet "": Għalli l-karrotti fil-livell pan fl-ilma biss biżżejjed biex ikopru. Meta jgħaddu artab minn għarbiel jew blender. Meta ixwi hija lesta, pour purejiet ""fuq...

Pasta with prawns and zucchini

"Pasta with prawns and zucchini 500 g pasta, spaghetti or fettuccine 400g fresh or frozen prawns 200g zucchini, finely cut into strips(julienne) some olive oil 100 diced tomatoes 1 clove garlic 1 tbs capers white wine parsley to decorate Method: Heat oil, add zucchini and cook for a few mins. Add garlic and prawns. Cook for a few more mins Meanwhile boil pasta. When ready, drain pasta. Mix the pasta with the sauce and cook for three mins on a high flame.. ----- CentreTravel " "Għaġin ma gambli kbar u Zucchini 500 g għaġin, spagetti jew fettuccine 400g gambli kbar friski jew iffriżati Zucchini 200g, fin maqtugħin fi strippi (Julienne) xi żejt taż-żebbuġa 100 tadam diced 1 sinna tewm 1 kappar TBS inbid abjad tursin biex iżejnu Metodu: Saħħan iż-żejt, żid Zucchini u sajjar għal ftit minuti. Żid tewm u gambli kbar. Cook għal ftit minuti aktar Sadanittant għalli għaġin. Meta jkun lest, ix...

Windsor Knot

"Windsor Knot Ever heard of a Windsor knot? This is how to make one. You should stand in front of a mirror. 1. Put the tie around your neck on top of your buttoned shirt. Lift up the shirt collar. 2. The wide end of the tie should extend 12 inches below the narrow end. Cross the wide end over the narrow end. 3. Bring the wide end of the tip of the tie through the loop between the collar and the tie and then pull it back down. 4. Pull the wide end underneath the narrow end and to the left, going back through the loop and to the left again so that the wide end is inside out. 5. Bring the wide end of the across the front of your body from left to right. Pull the wide end up through the loop again. Bring the wide end down through the knot in front of your neck. 6. Using both hands, tighten the knot carefully and draw it up to your collar. Then fold the collar down over the tie. ----- CentreTravel " "Windsor K...

Aubergine and bean Moussaka

"Aubergine and bean Moussaka 200 g mixed beans, red lentils and red kidney, cook or from tin or frozen. 2 tbs cornflour 1 tsp ground cinnamon 1 tbs lemon juice 500 g Aubergines, trimmed and thickly sliced 1 onion, peeled and chopped 3 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed 100 g mushrooms, finely chopped 400 g tomato puree' 1 tbs olive oil Method: Lay aubergines on a grill rack, brush sides with oil and lemon, and grill on both sides. Cook onion and garlic, stir in mushrooms, cinnamon.and tomato puree'. Dilute cornflour to mixture and keep cooking whilst stirring. Lay aubergine slices in oven proof dish, one layer. Spread half the beans and tomato mixture. Repeat process, you should finish with aubergine slices. Topping mixture: 3 eggs beaten 250 ml Low fat natural yogurt 50 g grated Parmesan cheese. Beat together the topping mixture and spoon the mixture over the moussaka. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese and bake in oven 270F for about 3...

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