The Intyamon Valley, nestling between the mountains, surrounded by pastures and forests and clinging to the bed of the Sarine River, is well named in the local dialect. Between the mountains. Nature has always been generous to this part of the country, its wild character and pastoral landscapes left unchanged through the years. There's a wonderfully harmonious blending of villages and meadows, forests and pastures, all seeming to belong to another age. Every aspect of this part of the country - the use of space., the scenery, the architecture of the farm buildings and the houses have all been influenced by..... cheese! At Estavannens, Villars-sous -Mont, Grandvillard et lessoc, the area's rich past can be read on the facades of the houses and the barns. Tourist Information L'Intymanon Case Postale 62 1669 Albeuve Email: Web: Petit Marche' de l'Intymanon Batiment du home CH-1666 Villars-Sous-Mon...