
Showing posts from April 12, 2008


The racoon

"The racoon The racoon is an all-rounder among carnivores. It is found in many parts of North America. It eats almost any kind of food, climbs and swims and often lives close to man. ----- CentreTravel " "il Racoon Il Racoon hija kollha tond fost karnivori. Jinstab f'ħafna partijiet ta 'l-Amerika. Hija jiekol kważi kull tip ta 'ikel, titla u swims u spiss ħajja qrib għall-bniedem. ----- CentreTravel " "die Waschbären Der Waschbär ist ein Allrounder unter den Fleischfressern. Es ist in vielen Teilen von Nordamerika gefunden. Es frisst fast jede Art von Nahrung, Steigungen und schwimmt und lebt oft nah an den Menschen. ----- CentreTravel " "该浣熊 该浣熊是食肉动物之间的全才。 它在北美的许多地方找到。 它几乎吃任何一种食物,攀爬和游泳和经常居住地接近的人。 ----- CentreTravel " "el mapache El mapache es un todo...

The bearded seal

"The bearded seal The bearded seal is a maritime carnivore that lives in small groups in Arctic waters. Like all seals it has a streamlined body that is heavily insulated with fat beneath the skin. ----- CentreTravel " "Is-siġill bearded Is-siġill bearded huwa karnivori marittima li jgħix fi gruppi żgħar fl-ilmijiet tal-Artiku. Bħal siġilli kollha li għandha korp razzjonalizzati li huwa iżolat ħafna bix-xaħam taħt il-ġilda. ----- CentreTravel " "Die Dichtung bearded Die Bartrobbe ist ein maritimer carnivore, die in kleinen Gruppen in arktischen Gewässern leben. Wie alle Dichtungen hat es einen schlanken Körper, das stark mit Fett unter der Haut isoliert ist. ----- CentreTravel " "该髯海豹 该髯海豹是海洋食肉动物,生活在北极水域的小团体。 像所有的海豹也有在很大程度上与皮下脂肪绝缘的流线型车身。 ----- CentreTravel " "La foca barbu...

Tips for a good sleep for your child

"Tips for a good sleep for your child Sleep as we all know is important for our health and well-being. Try to follow a consistent bedtime routine. Try to be relaxed as much as you can when it is bedtime. Try to read a relaxing story or sing to you child at bedtime. It is important that your child gets enough sleep. The result of a good sleep is a smiling face. ----- CentreTravel " "Għajnuniet għall irqad tajba għat-tarbija tiegħek Sleep kif nafu lkoll huwa importanti għas-saħħa tagħna u l-benesseri. Jippruvaw isegwu rutina irqad konsistenti. Ipprova jiġu llaxkati kemm inti tista meta huwa irqad. Ipprova taqra l-istorja illaxkar jew nijet lilek tfal f'ħin l-irqad. Huwa importanti li t-tarbija tiegħek gets biżżejjed irqad. Ir-riżultat ta 'rqad tajjeb huwa wiċċ jitbissem. ----- CentreTravel " "Tipps für einen guten Schlaf für Ihr Kind Schlafen, wie wir a...

Sizzling Prawns

"Sizzling Prawns 1 tbsp olive oil 1 red chili, deseeded and finely chopped 1 clove garlic, crushed 150g tiger prawns. 6 cherry tomatoes, quartered juice of lemon Method: Fry garlic and chilli with olive oil. Then pan fry the tiger prawns until sizzling. Gently stir in the cherry tomatoes . Add a squeeze of lemon juice and some herbs like basil. You can serve this over rice or fresh salad. ----- CentreTravel " "Gambli sizzling 1 tbsp żejt taż-żebbuġa 1 CHILI aħmar, deseeded u mqatta 'b'mod fin 1 sinna tewm, imfarrak gambli kbar tiger 150g. 6 cherry tomatoes, kwartieri meraq tal-lumi Metodu: tewm taqli u miċ-chilli ma 'żejt taż-żebbuġa. Imbagħad pan fry l-gambli tiger sal sizzling. Bil-mod ħawwad fil-cherry tomatoes. Żid kompressjoni ta 'meraq tal-lumi u xi ħwawar bħal ħabaq. Inti tista 'sservi dan fuq ross jew insalata friska. ----- CentreTravel https://centretravel.blogs...

BBQ Salmon with mustard

"BBQ Salmon with mustard Ingredients: 1 salmon steak per person some mustard tin foil some cracked pepper Smear mustard all over salmon steak. Sprinkle the pepper on top of mustard. Wrap in tin foil and put on BBQ. Serve while still warm with a fresh salad. ----- CentreTravel " "BBQ Salamun bil mustarda ingredjenti: 1 steak salamun għal kull persuna xi mustarda fojl landa xi bżar maqsum mustarda smear kollha fuq steak salamun. Sprinkle l-bżar fuq nett tal-mustarda. Kebbeb fil-fojl landa u mqiegħda fis BBQ. Iservu filwaqt li xorta sħun ma insalata friska. ----- CentreTravel " "BBQ Lachs mit Senf Zutaten: 1 Lachssteak pro Person einige Senf Alufolie einige geknackt Pfeffer Smear Senf ganzen Lachssteak. Streuen Sie den Pfeffer oben auf Senf. Wickeln Sie in Stanniol und auf Grill. Servieren noch warm mit einem frischen Salat. ----- ...

Chocolate chip biscuits

"Chocolate chip biscuits 2 3/4 cups self-raising flour bag of chocolate chips 1 packet margarine 3/4 cup sugar 1 tsp vanilla 2 eggs Melt butter, stir in eggs and vanilla. In a bowl, mix flour sugar, then pour in the egg mixture and the chips. Put teaspoon or tablespoon of the mixture into a floured dish. Bake in oven for about ten mins. Oven 175C ----- CentreTravel " "gallettini ċippa ċikkulata 2 3/4 tazzi awto kuxjenza dqiq borża ta 'laqx taċ-ċikkulata marġerina 1 pakkett zokkor 3/4 kikkra vanilla 1 Tsp 2 bajd Dewweb butir, ħawwad fil-bajd u vanilla. Fi skutella, ħawwad zokkor dqiq, imbagħad ferra fit-taħlita tal-bajd u l-ċipep. Poġġi kuċċarina jew tablespoon tat-taħlita ġo dixx floured. Bake fil-forn għal madwar għaxar minuti. 175C forn ----- CentreTravel " "Chocolate Chip Kekse 2 3/4 Tassen selbststeigendes Mehl Beutel mit Schokol...

American style strawberry pancakes

"American style strawberry pancakes These are slightly thicker than the normal pancakes. 1 cup plain flour 1/2 tbsp sugar 1/2 tbsp baking powder 1/2 tsp salt 1 cup milk 1 egg 15 g melted butter Sift, flour, baking powder and salt, and mix. Add milk and egg and mix to a paste. Melt the butter in a pan and add to mixture. Using the same pan where you melted butter pour enough mixture to cover base about 0.5 cm thick. Slice some strawberries on top and cook until small holes start forming in the middle of the pancake. Turn the pancake over and cook for further 1 minute. Drizzle with honey . ----- CentreTravel " "American pancakes frawli istil Dawn huma ftit eħxen mill-pancakes normali. 1 tazza dqiq plain zokkor 1/2 tbsp 1/2 tbsp trab tal-ħami 1/2 Tsp melħ ħalib 1 tazza 1 tal-bajd 15 g butir imdewweb Ffiltrati, dqiq, trab tal-ħami u melħ, u ħawwad. Żid ħalib u tal-bajd u ħawwad għal pe...

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